Shark adventures

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"Whoo." Maxwell slouched back on his chair, looking around at the paradise he currently found himself in. Beautiful sunset, endless ocean, sexy wife in a hot new sundress sitting opposite him. "Doesn't get much better than this, right?"

"Wrong!" Jen piped up, looking at the ominous ripples of water bubbling alongside the pier they were on. "Because this is exactly where the sharks want us to be!"

He jumped to his feet, not wanting to relive that experience. "Abort! Abandon pier!"

She called him back. "Maxwell! I was kidding! I'm pretty sure there's no sharks in these waters. You're quite safe!"

Such. An. Idiot. Fell for it. Again. He stopped in his tracks. "Yeah. Of course. I am also joking! Hahahahahaha!" He turned on his heels and sauntered back to his seat. Jen's face was a picture of suspicion.

"Out with it," she said, arms folded.

"With what? Oh. Why, Jen, that's very forward of you, but the staff are still here.."

"Not that," she giggled, pelting a beautifully folded napkin at him. "I mean, this shark story. Or stories. I still haven't heard them, even though you referenced them in our wedding vows..."

Ohh boy. "You'll have to ask Leo sometime."

"I'm asking you now. And we don't have secrets. Do we?"

He laughed nervously. "Right-o. So. There's actually two shark adventures. The first one was about three, four years ago? I went on holiday with Leo and Rick to Florida. Last minute deal, just a guys holiday. There was this one time we were all trying to impress this girl... well when I say all... I mean... uh... it was mainly me.."

Jen simply raised her eyebrows.

Start with a compliment. That'll work. "I mean, she wasn't anywhere near as beautiful as you, Jen, but this girl had the biggest knockers I'd ever seen! I mean, size isn't everything! Yours are perfect! Hers kept getting in the way when we...." Oh dear. Not helping. "Aaaaaaanyway..."

"What did you do, Maxwell?"

"Well, Leo had told us that this beach we were on was shark infested waters. And this girl's been flirting with us all for a few days now, and Leo and Rick know I've got the serious hots for her, and she's like, I dare you guys to go surfing in the shark infested waters. If you do, I'll make sure I make it worth your while. You know."

Jen folded her arms. "Oh, I know."

"See! Now you know why I never told you this story! Anyway, Leo, being the heir to the Cordonian throne at the time, strangely thinks this is a brilliant idea! Rick, on the other hand, is having absolutely none of it! So Leo's all, oh well, that's probably for the best Rick, if I die today, have a nice reign! And he grabs his surfboard and off he goes. Rick's having a coronary, Leo's having a great time, this girl is fluttering her eyelashes at Leo, and when he comes back, she's all over him. I'm not impressed. I thought I was first in line for her affections! A flash of bravado runs through this very heart.." He imitated an exaggerated heartbeat. A small smile was creeping up Jen's mouth. "I grab the surfboard, and I'm in! I didn't even know how to surf."

Jen laughed. "Oh, no..."

"But you know me." He winked at her. "What's surfing if it's not breakdancing on the waves, right? So now I'm holding my own. The guys on the beach are all totally in awe at my unexpected dominance of the sea! But... that's when they came..."

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