Unscrupulous schemes

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"So remind me again why I'm sitting in a drawing room in the Auvernese palace, instead of waking up with my husband in Texas right now before going on a girly pamper day with Savannah?" Jen sighed, after she'd replied to Maxwell's good morning text.

She looked at Hana first, then at Olivia. Neither of them said anything.

Jen shrugged, then reread the cryptic message that had been emailed to her duchy account for probably the twentieth time. Queen Isabella requests the presence of Duchess Jen Beaumont-Jones at the Palace of Auvernal on Monday 19 April 2019 at 2pm. For a chance to get to know each other. Just us girls!!


"Whatever her reasons, she's made it very clear that we shouldn't accompany Jen," Rick said in a calm tone of voice, although his eyes betrayed his alarm.

"I don't like it," Maxwell said, stressdancing all over the place as he spoke. "I mean, I've got a bachelor party extravaganza to plan, so it'd be a pain, but.." He looked at Jen. "I don't like the thought of you going there alone, either."

She nodded. "It does feel like some kind of trap."

Rick shook his head. "It's not a trap. It's a test. But of what, I'm not sure. Maybe she wants to get a measure of you. In any case, it will be a show of how you maintain relationships with our allies, and conduct yourself as a representative of the Crown."

Jen sighed. "I could do without all this right now."

Madeleine coughed, and she turned to face her. "Don't be ridiculous, Duchess Jen. You must go. Relations between Cordonia and Auvernal are just too delicate for you to decline. Even given your current objective, I believe you should accept Isabella's invitation."

Jen turned back to Rick, who nodded gravely. "Madeleine's right, Jen."

"I know this doesn't happen very often, but I also agree with Madeleine," Olivia said, stepping forward. "You have to go. But you don't have to go alone."

"After all," Hana added, "She did say that the invitation was just for us girls. You know I'll always watch your back, Jen."

"And you know I'll always incapacitate anyone who tries to stab you in the back," Olivia assured her. "Twice, if necessary."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Jen said, smiling at Rick. "I won't let Cordonia down."

Olivia and Hana went to get their belongings together, while Madeleine called the airport to arrange their flights. Jen turned to Maxwell, who was still shuffling sadly.

"So, you get to girl it up with Olivia and Hana in Auvernal, while I'm here at the bachelor party to end all bachelor parties? Sweet!" His little face looked broken; it took Jen right back to the moment she'd told him that Rick wanted to meet her alone in New York, and her heart felt full of pain for just a second.

She leant into him. "Babe, I'll be fine. I'll have Hana and Olivia with me."

He sighed. "I just don't like the thought of us being so far apart."

Jen kissed him on the cheek. "We won't be. You can ring me, text me anytime. And you know I'll be back as soon as I can. Given the time difference, I'll probably be back before you even get home from your bachelor party tomorrow night. Jet lagged, maybe, but back where I belong. With you."

"Just..." He kissed her on the forehead. "Stay safe, little blossom."


What Maxwell hadn't said, and hadn't needed to say, was that it wasn't just the not insignificant distance between them that was bothering him, but the fact that they were going to be spending the best part of two whole days apart. She knew why he hadn't said it; he was in no way trying to control her, but the fact remained that since that morning she'd got on a plane to Cordonia with him, they'd pretty much spent all of their time together. Sure, they'd occasionally go off and do their own thing for a day, especially since they'd moved to Valtoria, but this was something more. She didn't like it either, but she actually thought it would do their relationship good. Amalas's comment about her having an over-doting husband had given her something to think about.

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