LA Baby!!!

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*chapter is NSFW*

"It's just like that first summer we met all over again," Jen said to Maxwell as they paced through the shiny-walled corridors of Cordonia's main airport, Bella in her baby carrier on Maxwell's chest, each of them pulling a suitcase behind them. "Never sleeping in our own beds..."

"Yup, living out of a bag," Maxwell agreed. "Except there's an extra tiny human tagging with us now! With an extra not so tiny bag.. or two, or three..." He looked apologetically ahead at Mara who was lugging those as she walked protectively in front of the three of them.

"Seriously, though, I think we've spent less time at Valtoria since Bella's presentation ceremony than we have away from it," Jen pointed out. "And while I am excited for this trip, I'll be happy for a few chilled out weeks at home when we get back. Well, after the Red Apple Gala this weekend, of course."

"Sheesh, Jen, careful what you wish for," Maxwell quipped. "If we all get locked down due to this killer virus, we might be stuck at home for months, rather than weeks!"

"I can think of some advantages to that," she pointed out, shooting him a flirtatious wink. "Hey, what?"

Mara had gone. One minute she'd been there, now she wasn't, and the luggage she'd been carrying was strewn along the corridor. Before Jen could process what had happened, she heard a shriek from Maxwell's direction and now he was gone too – seemingly he (and Bella) had been dragged through an open side door they had just passed...

Oh god.

Her heart beating wildly, Jen braced herself to head through the door. She bravely stepped through it into a small, dark room, across which she soon managed to focus on some movement, and stepped towards it tentatively. Then she heard the door she'd just come through slam.

Jumping and turning towards the loud sound, the next thing she heard was a familiar voice. "Honestly, Jen. You really need to upgrade your security. What if I was trying to assassinate your daughter?"

A light switch clicked to reveal Olivia Nevrakis standing in front of her, holding a smiling Bella in her arms. Jen glanced around the room to see a very sheepish looking Mara and Maxwell standing against a wall.

"What are you doing here, Olivia?" she asked.

Olivia smiled. "I've got a message that's too sensitive not to deliver in person." She passed Bella to Mara. "Here, take her back outside. We won't be a moment."

Mara glared at Olivia, then stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"So, as the two of you know, I've been looking for any dirt that might help you get Annabelle out of the betrothal," Olivia muttered. "And I've found someone who might have some information. The former queen of Rivala."

Maxwell's eyes widened. "Wait, isn't that the kingdom that merged with Auvernal?"

"Is there more to that story that Bradshaw and Isabella let on?" Jen asked.

"I think so. Reena's willing to talk, but there's a catch. She's only willing to meet on neutral ground. Far out of Auvernal's reach. This envelope contains a date, time and place for the meeting." She passed it to Maxwell, who ripped it open like it was a birthday card he was hoping would have cash in it.

He gasped as he read the index card inside the envelope. "Wowzer! That's a coincidence!" He showed the note to Jen, who read it quickly. 2pm. February 20. The Hamilton Room. The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, LA. Exactly where they were heading. In two days' time.

"Oh, it's no coincidence," she heard Olivia point out.

Maxwell's brow furrowed in confusion. "So, are you coming with us to talk to this ex-queen?

The Royal Heir - The Valtoria Diaries 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora