(Chapter 8):"Lexa's Confused"

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Luna:" What's your problem clarke. Do you like being hit. Do you like bing abused by her. What do you need to talk to her about. She doesn't remember NOTHING"

Clarke:" Really Luna. You don't know what was it like living with her everyday. The things she did to me. Trust me the last thing i want to do is talk to her. But i need to"

Luna:" Sorry but your not talking to her"

Luna was walking to the drivers set when clarke stoped her again.

Clarke:" please Luna. At least stay We won't bother you or lexa anymore i'll make sure of that. Just don't take le....
Just don't leave"

Luna:" Okay fine yes will stay. But i swear if you or anyone else hurts or even stay mean things to lexa and make her cry. I will leave and not come back ever again"

Clarke:" ya ya i promise"


Hope:" hey grandma how is she?"
Abby:" she's going to be fine, she just needed food and water"
Hope:" is that why she was sick"
Abby:" ya by the looks of it she hasn't ate nothing for a hole 5 weeks"

Abby left hope with the girl.
Hope sat down on a set reading a book.
Wail the sick girl and her sister sleeped.

The sick girl stated to wake up after hrs of sleep.

Hope:" Oh Hi. My name is Hope. Your in our camp. Don't worry its safe. Were are your parent's"

Hope looked at the girl and saw she was sad.

"My parent got turned into those things. But before they did they locked me and my sister in a closet. They gave us enough food and water. Intel someone found us. But we ran out of food and water. And i started to get sick"

Hope:" Oh i'm soo sorry really"

"Its okay"

Hope:" what's your name?"

"Oh right sorry i'm josie and this is my twin sister Elizabeth but we just call her lizzy"

Hope:" well here is food and water for you both,  eat...and you guys can stay here as longs as you like"

Josie:" Thanks"

Hope:" Ya no problem. Abby the dr will come back shortly okay i have to go"

Josie:" ya okay. Nice meeting you"


Clarke took luna and lexa to an empty cabin they don't us.

Clarke:" you guys can stay here. Its all yours. My cabin is that one. If you need anything just ask me"

Luna:" thanks"
Luna said sarcastic

Luna and lexa entered and fixed there stuff in the cabin.

Luna finished with her stuff and was heading out to get fresh air but cheeked on lexa first.

Luna:" Hey you want to go outside with me"

Luna saw that her sister was sad laying down on the bed.
Lexa:" No its okay. But thanks"

Luna saw the sadness in her voice and felt bad. So she sat on the bed were she was laying down on

Luna:" hey what's wrong?"
Lexa sat up and hugged luna and began to cry.

Luna:" Hey hey what's wrong"

Lexa:" I don't get it. And it makes me sad"
Luna let go of lexa and looked at her.
She wiped her tears away for her.

Luna:" whatever you don't get you can tell me okay"
Lexa:" w-why is everyone that see m-me tells me that i'm an abuser"

Luna:"well because lexa they don't know you"
Lexa:" luna i don't know what's going on with me. I- I - I feel this anger... I- I just feel that i need puch someone"

Lexa began to cry and quickly hugged luna wail crying

Lexa:" I-I don't l-like it. Luna i don't like this feeling. P-Please make it stop.
Please Luna"

Luna wanted to cry because her sister is hurting soo much.
Luna new that lexa still had that darkness in her and felt bad.
She new how to stop that feeling for a wail but she need permission first.

Luna:" hey lexa when did this feeling start"
Lexa:" When i saw that blond girl"

Luna:" i'll be back. Stay here okay"
Lexa:" okay just hurry"

What luna didn't know was that clarke was listening this hole time and when she heard Luna say she was leaving she left to her cabin fast.


After a few minutes later luna entered Clarke's cabin.

Luna:" Clarke?"

Clarke:" Hold up"
Clarke was in the bathroom helping madi in the bathtub.
Few more mints she came back out.

Clarke:" what's up"
Luna:" um... Can i barrow Hope and Charlie for a moment"

Clarke:" No"
Luna:" please clarke it's just for a moment. I'll bring them back safe"

Hope and Charlie were in the cabin sleeping in a room together.
Wail madi was in the bathtub sitting down playing with her toys.

Clarke:" sorry luna but No. First they are sleeping. And second i still don't trust lexa with my kids"

Luna got mad at what clarke just said so she sacred clarke but she would never hurt her.
She grabbed clarke hands and talked to her.

Luna:" Don't. You EVER. Say that. They are lexa's kids TO. Not just YOURS"
Clarke:" Luna let me go"

Luna let go of Clarke's hands and sat down on a chair.

Luna:" Please clarke. Lexa Angry right know, and for that to go away she need to see hope and Charlie. It helps her Anger to go away please"
Clarke:" How do you know that?"

Luna:" because Clarke, believe it or not. Lexa loves her kids. I don't know about you. But trust me she loved them"
Clarke:" How do you know she won't hurt them like she did to me?"

Luna:" she won't i promise, i'll be with them the hole time"
Clarke:" fine, but let me explain to Charlie what's going on okay"

Clarke was heading to the room when she remembered madi in the bathtub.
Clarke:" oh and can you cheek on madi, she's in the bathtub"

Luna:" ya sure"

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