Chapter 18 - Kiss it better

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Warning: second half of the chapter is smut

Narrator's POV

"You know, jail really changed me. I feel like I'm a new woman now," Y/N said, swirling the glass of red in her hand. They just got released from the police station this morning and dealt with a lot of paparazzi. And I mean, a lot of paparazzi. It wasn't that much of a breaking news that the superstar got herself arrested again, but the fact that her impact was powerful enough to get her goody-two-shoes rumored girlfriend arrested too... that certainly was worth a lot of media exposure.

It was actually kinda funny how everything was turning out. Lauren was supposed to clean Y/N's reputation with her clean ass one, but instead, she just got herself to spend a night in jail too after only "dating" the superstar for a couple of months. That's some impressive stuff right there. The way the management's great master plan backfired... yikes. 

Lauren rolled her eyes at that statement and sunk deeper into the couch. "I was in jail with you."

Y/N turned to look at her and chuckled. "Oh, really? I had no clue," she joked before downing the rest of her glass. She reached forward to grab the wine bottle to refill her glass, but Lauren beat her to it, flying forward to snatch the bottle faster than her and placing it somewhere further. "Excuse me, can I have my wine back?"

Lauren raised her eyebrows at how casually she just asked her that, as if she wasn't putting it out of her reach on purpose. "If you were planning to drink the entire bottle, why bother pouring it in a glass?" she sassed. The superstar was already on her fourth glass, and yeah, no. Nope, this was enough alcohol for her for today. She doesn't wanna say her fake-girlfriend had a drinking problem, but she certainly seemed to be loving her alcohol a little too much. As a matter of fact, she's never seen her not drink at least one glass of whatever every time she's with her. That was concerning her more and more.

"If I wanted a babysitter, I could've hired one," the Y/E/C-eyed girl muttered under her breath.

"No need to because your team already hired one for you," Lauren fired back. "No offense but I literally can't tell whether they're hired me to be your girlfriend or your babysitter."

Y/N's jaw dropped at that comment. "How can I not take offense in that? My heart is deeply wounded, Lauren."

"And what do you want me to do about it then?" the dark-haired girl responded nonchalantly with a chuckle.

"Kiss it better."

Why was Lauren even surprised that this was her answer? However, it still managed to make her blush. "K-Kiss your heart better?" she repeated with a damn stutter she wished she didn't have. Why was she nervous about this? She had no reason to be. Nope. She's as cool as a bean.

Y/N shuffled closer to her to close the distance between them on the couch and chuckled. "Oh damn, I was just expecting a little kiss on the lips, but if you wanna go straight for my boob--"

Lauren couldn't move quicker and just smashed her lips against the Y/E/C-eyed girl's to shut her up. It really was a little kiss because it ended just as fast as it started. "Your heart, not your boobs or whatever," she corrected with flushed cheeks.

"Right, so we're just gonna pretend like you can rip my ribs open and take my heart out to kiss it better," Y/N chuckled. She placed her hand on her chest and felt the organ pumping her blood really hard, or in more normal words, her heartbeat was going crazy again. But of course that wasn't what she was going to say. "My heart still hurts though, so maybe you should kiss me again."

The mere inches between their faces closed again for a second kiss.

Lauren slipped her hand around Y/N's neck and pulled her even closer to deepen the kiss. Their tongues were fighting for dominance as Y/N slowly stood up, still having her lips on Lauren's, and pulled the other girl up from the couch as well. Her hand was placed under Lauren's thigh and gave her a gentle squeeze. "Up." Lauren got the message and jumped in her fake girlfriend's arms, securing her legs tightly around her waist.

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