Chapter 1 - "You really like to run into me, huh"

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Narrator's POV

A month or two passed by. 

As Y/N wanted, she really hasn't seen that dark-haired stranger again. It's been so long that they've even forgotten about each other's existence. In the meanwhile though, some other things had happened.

"I still can't believe he freaking cheated on you."

Lauren sighed as she placed a pillow over her head to block her from hearing the rest of the conversation. She's been trying really hard to pretend that she's over that whole situation and having her sister still reminding her about that on the constant wasn't helping. 

Dani yanked the pillow away from her face and slapped her with it. "You need to get over him."

"I am over him," the dark-haired girl argued weakly. To be honest, she didn't even know if she was over him. 

Sure, she felt hatred more than anything when she hears his name now... but are the feelings really just gone like that too? I guess she wouldn't find out the answer to that unless she runs into him again. Which really isn't an ideal idea. 

The younger sister pulled Lauren to sit back up on her bed and shook her shoulders. "Bro, we need to go out. You're not getting over him by hiding in your room all day."

"Go out where?"

"The club, duh," Dani said as if it was obvious. 

The dark-haired girl looked at her sister in complete astonishment. "What club? You're underaged, Dan. And we don't drink." She honestly didn't even know where her sister got that ridiculous idea from. This certainly wasn't happening. 

"Oh, come on. Don't tell me you've never owned a fake ID."

Lauren raised her eyebrows and slowly shook her head. She doesn't even think she's ever been to a club before, let alone go through the trouble to make a fake ID to get into one. 

Dani's jaw dropped at that before she pulled her sister out of her bed. "Well, we're going out tonight, rat."


"This queue is fricking long. Can't we just leave?" Lauren sighed out with a shake of her head. 

It was now later that day, and no matter how hard she's tried to change her little sister's mind, she's still managed to drag her out of the house and... to here. And now they're just standing in this long ass queue to get in the club. 

Dani shook her head in no before wrapping an arm around her older sister. "Don't be such a party-pooper. You gotta unwind sometimes, ya know."

"You'd be funny if you think I'm gonna touch any of the alcohol," Lauren warned as she eyed the queue uneasily. It was moving way faster than she wanted it to, which means they'd probably be inside in less than 10 minutes with this speed. 

"Holy fuck, it's Y/N Y/L/N!" someone suddenly shrieked from somewhere further behind in the row. 

And then everyone's head was turned and was screaming this girl's name. There were way too many people blocking her view for Lauren to see what's happening. She turned to her younger sister and saw her being all excited too. Dani noticed the dark-haired girl's gaze on her and turned to her, all psyched up. "Did you hear that? Y/N Y/L/N is here!"

Flip... Isn't that the girl she pushed into the waters and had stolen her parking spot?

"What the heck, Lauren! This is so exciting!" Dani exclaimed enthusiastically beside her.

The dark-haired girl gave her an awkward smile and nodded her head. "Mhmm, yup."

And then the fangirls' screaming got louder as Y/N approached closer to where the two Cimorelli sisters were in the queue. Lauren managed to caught part of the singer's side profile as she passed by the two. 

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