Chapter 9 - First dates and kisses

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Narrator's POV

"Alright, let's get the show started," Y/N mumbled under her breath before getting out of her car and quickly walking over to the passenger's side to open the door for Lauren too. She gave her a tight-lipped smile and offered her her hand. Lauren hesitatingly took it, letting her led her down the streets.

Suddenly, Y/N squeezed her hand a little before interlocking their fingers. She glanced over at her, silently asking her if that was okay and got a tiny nod in return. She returned her attention back to her front view and subtly scanned their surroundings. No one seemed to have spotted them yet, and no paparazzi was in sight either. "So... the breakfast place. I looked one up on the internet and this one had some solid ratings. Hopefully, you're not going to hate it," the Y/E/C-eyed girl said slowly as she peeked over at Lauren again. She couldn't help the random smile that made its way onto her face, she can already imagine the dark-haired girl rolling her eyes at her choice.

Lauren chuckled at her and nodded her head. "I hope so for you too," she joked.

They ended up going to one of the most expensive restaurants in the city. For such a fancy spot, they surely looked out of place with their hoodies and merch. The dark-haired girl already felt like she was disrespecting the restaurant by solely breathing in it. She tugged on Y/N's hand and frowned at her. "Why the rip didn't you tell me we'd be going to some five stars, Michelin restaurant?" she scolded through gritted teeth.

"Well, I did tell you we were going to get breakfast at somewhere nice," Y/N said with a grin.

"You didn't, not beforehand."

The Y/E/C-eyed girl pressed a finger against her own lips. "Shh, just enjoy the date, darling," she whispered before pulling her along with her to their reserved table. It was right by the window, which meant that they had a clear view of the streets and vice versa. She didn't even care for the view, but it just made the paparazzi's job easier.

Lauren slowly sat down on the seat Y/N had pulled out for her. "Have I ever told you how much I hated your pet names for me?"

"Maybe once or twice, yeah," Y/N said cheekily before sitting down too and prompting her chin in her hand. "Why do you hate them though, babe?"

"I mean, that one is still normal, so I can roll with it. But please just keep it at that," the dark-haired girl sighed out as she went to grab the menu. Her eyes widened at the prices printed in there. Even a glass of water was already five dollars, what the rip.

Y/N noticed the expression on Lauren's face no matter how hard the girl tried to mask it. She stole the menu right out of her hands and looked into it. "What do you wanna eat, pumpkin?" she asked, continuing to scan through the pages.

"It'll be easier if I can see the menu," Lauren sassed with raised eyebrows. "You have a menu yourself."

The Y/E/C-eyed girl saw Lauren reaching forward to grab her menu and quickly placed it on her lap. She gave her her own menu book back and covered all the prices with her hand. "Alright, what do you wanna eat?" She knew the dark-haired girl was having trouble with all the prices on the menu with how she looked at it earlier. Even though she's going to pay for hers anyway, she didn't want her to feel bad or anything for choosing something that sounds expensive to her own ears.

Lauren sensed what she was trying to do and looked at her unsurely. "Y/N Y/L/N..."

Y/N just gave her an innocent shrug in return before nodding to the menu again. The dark-haired girl sighed with a shake of her head and pointed at the first thing she saw on the page. The superstar called the server over and put their orders.

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