Chapter 15 - Maybe this is a sign

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Narrator's POV

"Are you sure you can walk?" Y/N asked worriedly as she slowly pulled her car to the free parking spot on the street.

Lauren didn't even look at her and just nodded her head. "Yeah, I'll be fine."

An awkward sphere has been hanging over their head ever since they stepped out of the house. The small talks they've tried to engage in probably made it even worse for them. How the fuck were they supposed to go on a date right now and act like a pair of lovers?

Despite that Lauren insisted she could walk just fine on her own, the superstar still had her arm wrapped securely around her waist. Probably the second their car stopped, they already spotted the paparazzi snapping pictures of them. It's made the Y/E/C-eyed girl not be able to tell whether she was doing this for the cameras or if she was actually doing it out of guilt and because she cared. Everything's been a blurred line, to be honest, was it for the cameras or was it real? What happens behind closed doors has to be real, but... every time they go out like this and act all cozy and stuff, is that real too, or is it really just all for show?

Did she want any of this to be real?

Shaking herself out of her thoughts, Y/N led them into the coffee shop and ordered them something random from the menu. Neither of them was even hungry or thirsty to begin with, so this was just for the authenticity I guess.

They sat across each other from the booth and tried real hard to not glance over at all the cameras around them. Not only did they have the paparazzi on their back right now, but because they weren't wearing any disguises and were currently at a pretty well-known coffee shop, all the other people in here had their attention on them too. Or more like, had their phones out and pointed at them.

Lauren peeked over at the fangirls that were squealing a couple of tables further and chuckled. "You're really famous, huh."

"Don't tell me you've found that out just now," the superstar joked, taking a sip from her drink. Not to toot her own horn, but she was definitely one of the current mainstream and top-charting artists right now, so she'd say she's famous. "I'm still surprised you didn't know who I was," she suddenly added after a while.


"You didn't know who I was when we first met," Y/N elaborated with a laugh.

Lauren shook her head in objection. "No, I did know who you were. Everybody in line was screaming your name, so it was kinda hard to not know--"

"That's not the first time we met, babe," the Y/E/C-eyed girl interfered since that encounter at the club wasn't what she was referring to. "Did you seriously forget you've pushed me off the bridge before that?"

"Oh..." Lauren mumbled out. She really did forget about that for a second. Her cheeks flushed in a deep pink color as she felt highly embarrassed at that memory. And here she thought kissing her out of nowhere in that club was already a big yikes as a first impression, their real first impression was her pushing her off a bridge. Which is probably a tiny bit worse. "Oopsie?"

"Yeah, oopsie," Y/N repeated with an eye roll before chuckling. "But you clearly didn't know who I was back then."

The dark-haired girl opened her mouth to argue against that but quickly realized she had nothing to defend herself with. "Well, I mean, I knew you looked familiar?" she voiced out hesitatingly, offering her a grin to make up for it. "I did immediately search you up after I came home though."

"That... really didn't make it any better, babe."

"Hey, I'm just telling the truth," Lauren defended herself.

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