Chapter 16 - Passing the night where?!

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Narrator's POV

"Well, well, well, look who we've got here."

The guy was quick to catch up to the couple and was now standing squared up in front of them, a smug smile on his face. He had his arms crossed and looked down at the dark-haired girl.

Lauren felt highly uncomfortable under his eyes like this and silently asked Y/N to put her down. After her feet hit the ground again, her gaze dipped down to the concrete too. She had no reason to be ashamed but she just felt so fucking small and vulnerable around him, as if she was the one who's done something horribly wrong.

Y/N looked between the two of them with a deep frown on her face. "Can somebody tell me what's going on between you two?"

Lauren kinda went to hide behind the Y/E/C-eyed girl and tugged on her sleeve. "T-This is Stacy's ex," she whispered, her voice shaking to even say who he was.

"And Stacy is...?"

The dark-haired girl wanted nothing more than to punch the superstar right now. This girl claimed to have slept with her ex-best friend multiple times and couldn't even remember her name now. "She's that fucking girl who we ran into the other day after our date," she urged in a hushed whisper. Seeing that Y/N still wasn't getting the hint, she rolled her eyes. "That bitch I used to be friends with."

"Wait, this is that asshole who tried to sexually harass you?!" Y/N screamed out once the realization hit her.

"Keep your fricking voice down--"

"That's what she's told you?" the guy interrupted with a chuckle. "She was throwing herself at me. I was just giving her what she wanted."

Based off on their conversation in the car that day, how Lauren was on the verge of tears when she told her what happened and how she could feel the girl literally trembling in fear behind her right now, she can't say this dude was coming off as believable. Especially not when he was looking like this.

"Oh really?" the superstar forced out through gritted teeth. She balled her hands up in fists and cracked her knuckles as a small preparation.

The guy seemed to be completely oblivious to how Y/N was practically burning in anger right now and decided to make it even worse. "I didn't think me rejecting you would've had such a huge impact on you that you'd have to switch lanes, Lauren. That's such a shame," he chuckled out. He turned his attention back on the Y/E/C-eyed girl and placed a hand on her shoulder. "She's just a whore desperate for attention, I don't know why you would wanna date her but I'm sorry you're being my rebound, man. I--"

He didn't quite get to finish his sentence as Y/N swung a punch to his face.

Lauren gasped loudly behind her and quickly held her fake-girlfriend back before she could do anything else. "Y/N Y/L/N," she whisper-yelled warningly.

"Let me go before I accidentally hurt you," Y/N huffed angrily out as she tried to get out of Lauren's hold. However, maybe that's a tiny bit harder than she thought because the girl was holding really tightly and she also really didn't wanna hurt her even by accident. 

"Yeah, keep that airhead of a girlfriend of yours in check," the guy spat out at Lauren as he wiped the bit of blood away from his mouth. With Lauren holding the Y/E/C-eyed girl back like this, it gave him the full opportunity to punch her back. Y/N, who was actually already a little calmer after that punch of hers, got all heated up again and tried to lunge forward again, trying hard against Lauren's hold. 

"The paps haven't left yet, you dumbass," Lauren hissed under her breath. "Let's. Go."

In such a rage, Y/N still managed to glance at her surroundings and indeed saw the paparazzi from earlier with their cameras still pointed at them. Huffing loudly, she let her girlfriend drag her away. The guy obviously hasn't gotten enough satisfaction out of this and continued to call out some more nasty comments. "Maybe you two are a better match than I thought. One's a singer with no brains and the other is a pathetic dumb slut!"

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