Chapter 13 - Ya girl got some issues

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Trigger warning: a little bit dark and depressing

Narrator's POV

It was morning. The sun was out, birds were chirping, the house was peacefully si--

Y/N suddenly jolted awake from the nauseous feeling bubbling up inside her stomach and jumped out of bed to rush to the bathroom. Maybe she's drunken a tad more than she was intended to yesterday. She's been awake for merely 3 minutes and her head was already bonking like some earthquake was going on there, plus she's thrown her guts out pretty much.

She sunk to the floor and put her head against the cabinet next to her, closing her eyes. Fucking hell. With how much she drinks on the daily basis, you'd think her hangovers wouldn't be as bad anymore, but... yeah no, she still can't handle it for shit.

And then there was something else too.

If she saw it correctly, when she sprinted out of her bedroom earlier, there was another girl lying there next to her... That's uhm... kind of a problem too. This was really not the time to feel guilty or worried or anything right now, but her thoughts were exactly forcing her into that direction. It's not the first time she woke up to a stranger the next morning, but now that she was in the middle of a PR, that could cause a tiny tiny issue. But besides that, she also felt guilty for some reason... There was absolutely no reason for her to feel guilty in any way. Which reminded her of yesterday's thoughts, when she felt guilty for kissing her fellow singer on their music video.

Even though her mind was nowhere near functioning properly right now, her thoughts were pointing her straight to one thing... one person. And that was Lauren Cimorelli.

Genuinely, what is up with that? Did she accidentally hit her head recently? Is that why she's feeling so weird about that girl now-- Okay, actually, she should figure out how to invite the girl lying on her bed out of her house first, instead of just sitting here on the bathroom floor and having her mind fuck with her.

"Hey, you okay?"

Y/N literally jumped up in surprise by the sudden voice appearing next to her and whipped her head to see... Lauren? Wait, that girl on her bed was actually Lauren and not just some random stranger? "What the fuck?" she mumbled out confused. She glanced down at herself and saw that she was wearing some old T-shirt that she definitely wasn't wearing yesterday. Then she glanced over at the dark-haired girl, who was wearing only a cami and her underwear.

"If your eyes don't move back up, I'm going to take them out."

The Y/E/C-eyed girl quickly shifted her gaze back up again and blushed profoundly. "Okay, what the fuck happened?" she asked. She was way too hangover to think or try to remember anything right now, so she just hoped her fake-girlfriend can give her some sort of answer.

Lauren went to sit down on the floor too and faced the superstar more properly. "You don't remember anything?" she questioned carefully.

"Not at the moment."

Y/N wasn't sure she saw it right, but it looked like Lauren let out a sigh out of relief at her answer. Before she had the chance to ask her about it, the dark-haired girl opened her mouth already. "Basically you kept drinking on set, then in your car too, and also at home, so... that's what happened?" Lauren said, unsure how much she should spill to her. She quickly figured that she should also explain the states they were currently in right now. "And I was gonna leave, but you were really fucking drunk, so I had to put you into bed. Then you started puking all over the both of us, so I had to change you out of your clothes."

"Ah, that makes sense," Y/N mumbled out, pinching her temple. "Wait, so you've seen me naked?" she added with a smirk.

Lauren shook her head with an eye roll, while also trying to hide her smile. "I mean, I also could've just left you in your dirty clothes," she answered nonchalantly, deflecting the question completely. She has definitely seen her naked last night. At the memory of that, Lauren found herself blushing hard. But boy, ain't she glad that the other girl wasn't remembering a single thing from yesterday. That would've been so embarrassing. 

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