Chapter 12 - Lights, camera and-- No

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Narrator's POV

"What's up?"

Y/N almost yelped out in surprise as she jumped a little. She walked further into the living room and saw some familiar dark curls peeked out from the couch. She quickly made her way over to there and got even more surprised to see Lauren sitting sprawled out on the sofa. "How did you get in my house?" she asked, tilting her head back in confusion.

Lauren glanced up from her phone and let it fall down on her lap. "Obviously I've broken into it."

The superstar raised her eyebrows slightly, still waiting for an answer as she sat down next to her to take off her shoes. And then she remembered something. A smirk slowly made its way onto her lips. "I thought you were never gonna use the key I gave you."

This was actually something she's never done before in any of her past relationships. She didn't know why she did it this time either, but she's decided to give Lauren a spare key to her house the other day after their little dinner date, in case she ever changes her mind about moving in with her. Speaking about that date, even though Lauren specifically said that it is not a date, it still felt more than just a friendly hang out. And that is without any kissing or inappropriate touching, so that's saying a lot. 

To be honest, she didn't have any band meetings that evening with her sisters. While she was waiting for the superstar to finish filming, she just started to grow more anxious by the second, so she just simply decided to dip. There was just something really scary about where she was standing with the Y/E/C-eyed girl. Like sure, they're a PR couple, but everything they've been doing has been outside of that contract. 

Well, everything except for this. 

"Your manager told me to come 'surprise you' or whatever," Lauren revealed, indirectly crushing Y/N's hope with it. "Well, are you surprised enough?"

"I mean, you did scare the living shit out of me, so I'd say so," Y/N said with a chuckle before sinking down further on the couch. She certainly wasn't expecting anyone to be inside her house when it's her butler's day off, especially not when there was still no one inside her house just merely three hours ago. 

Lauren turned to face her better and nodded slightly at her. "So how did the interview go? You had an interview this morning, right?" she asked. 

"Yup," the superstar said. "It was just to promote the single and announce that a music video is coming, so it really wasn't that interesting." She looked over at Lauren to lock eyes with her before smiling at her. "So what are you doing here besides giving me a heart attack?"

"Your manager said that we should hang out, I don't know," Lauren said with a shrug. 

"That's very specific, wow."

The dark-haired girl rolled her eyes at the sarcasm before pulling her phone out from her pocket. She saw something on the internet earlier that she knew she had no business butting in, but... yeah, she's going to do it either way. "How's the filming going, by the way?" she asked as casually as she could. 

Y/N could notice the change in tone and smirked at her. "Are you jealous again?"

"What do I have to be jealous for then?" Lauren challenged. 

The superstar smirked wider at her and leaned back into the couch. This really shouldn't be amusing as she thinks it is right now, but she couldn't help it. "I'm assuming you saw the kiss?" Someone on set took a picture of the behind the scenes to create some hype, and to make it spicy, you could clearly see the Y/E/C-eyed girl sharing a kiss with her fellow singer on set in front of the camera. 

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