Chapter 20 - Boundaries, no boundaries

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Narrator's POV

"You're staring."

Y/N quickly averted her gaze and just casually glanced out of the window instead. "I am not," she lied. It was still rather early in the morning, but since they fell asleep right in front of these large glass windows, the rising sun had just woken her up. She tried to push this thought aside but it was surprising how easily she fell asleep too last night, and just... how peaceful her second round of sleep was.

Lauren rubbed the sleep off her eyes and peeked over at the superstar again. "Well, if you say so," she said knowingly.

And now it was Lauren's turn to be shamelessly staring at the other girl. It was getting to the point where it'd be stupid for Y/N to pretend not to feel her gaze anymore, so she turned to look at her too. With the dark-haired girl prompted on her chest like that, their faces got so close that it was almost touching. Lauren's eyes dipped down for a second before she leaned forward to connect their lips in a tiny peck. "Good morning," she murmured.

"Morning," Y/N replied in the same volume, still half in awe with the situation, the position they were in right now. D-Did Lauren just kiss her? She touched her own lips and was still able to feel the softness of Lauren's on hers, a smile crept up on her just like that. Soon enough, she realised she was smiling and tried to act nonchalant again.

Lauren looked at the Y/E/C-eyed girl amused as the superstar was fighting back her smile in her hardest. She couldn't help but give her another kiss, making Y/N completely freeze up again and sitting there with an undeniable grin on her face. "You're cute, weirdo."

Y/N tilted her head slightly. Her goofy smile slowly turned into her signature smirk again. "Looks like we're improving on these nicknames now, Ms Cimorelli."

"I literally just called you a weirdo--" Y/N pressed her finger against Lauren's lips to shut her up. "That doesn't matter for one bit. That's gonna turn into 'baby' or something in no time, I can already see it." 

Lauren pushed the Y/E/C-eyed girl's face away from hers, along with her stupid finger. "In your dreams maybe, and stop calling me by my last name." She didn't know exactly why it bothered her in the slightest, that Y/N was referring her by her last name instead of her usual stupid pet names that she got for her. Maybe this just sounds more distant...? Don't tell her she's actually starting to love those pet names now--

"Would you rather be called by my last name instead?" Y/N said smoothly. "Mrs Y/L/N sounds pretty good, don't you think?"

Lauren blushed harder than ever at the idea of that. She didn't even know when her brain became so creative but a whole ass wedding just popped up in her head when she heard this new 'pet name'. However, despite the blushing, the inevitable two-letter answer rolled off her tongue. "No."

Y/N stared at her for a second and just chuckled. "Well, it was worth the try." She placed a hand on Lauren's cheek and slowly traced along her face. "But one day, babygirl, you are going to wish to take my last name. Or the other way around, whichever one you fancy more," she whispered confidently, seductively too almost. "Anyway, do you want breakfast?"

"I-- Huh?"


"I didn't think you'd know how to cook," Lauren commented, eating the breakfast Y/N had made for them. The superstar raised her eyebrows. She didn't know if she should take offence in that or see it as a compliment, but either way, "Watch out, I might've poisoned the food." She smirked.

Lauren dropped the fork she was holding and reached over to switch plates with the Y/E/C-eyed girl, along with stealing her utensils right out of her hands. "Welp, I hope you've poisoned your food now," she joked as she dug in the breakfast in front of her like nothing's happened.

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