Chapter 24 - The public... loves us?

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Narrator's POV

"You're going to put out your little love song instead."

"What?!" Originally, Y/N was going to release a song, but it was supposed to be a sad heartbreak song. Just like always. That was her entire brand after all. But once her label found out about the love song she's written about Lauren, they were forcing her to release that instead. Not even mentioning how it was too personal of a song for her to release but, "I've literally never released a love song before, what the fuck is the public going to think?"

The executive waved his hand dimissively before spinning out of his chair. "The public loves your relationship, sweetie, it's a guarantee that the song will sell amazingly." He snapped his fingers at the PR team to start the presentation.

"Right, so after your red carpet debut as a couple, your relationship was trending on Twitter for a couple of days. Candids from past PR shoots resurfaced as well, so that really boosted the credibility of you guys. Lots of fans also jumped into your defence against the haters, which is surprising, but very good." The presentation went on, showing some statistics as well as some headlines and tweets. It was looking nice, everyone was eating it up.

Omg I ship them sm their so cute I can't aksjsjjsj

That interview where Y/N stood up for Lauren and *subtly* told that bitch ass interviewer off 🤌🏻


I ran into them a while ago and when i tell u they're cute af like both of them were blushing and 🥺🥺🥺

Y'all r blind this shit screams pr

Seeing so many people loving their relationship felt surreal. It felt... validating in a way? Sure, this wasn't the Y/E/C-eyed girl's first publicity stunt of a relationship, and it also wasn't the first one the public believed, but, it was hard to explain. This all just made it feel so much more real to her. She had kinda hoped the public would talk shit about them, claiming that they're fake or anything like that. Because then it'd be easier to convince herself that too.

Now she just had to live with the fact that she's apparently good at acting like she's in love with Lauren. And she knew damn well she's a bad actress.

"Actually, since your relationship is going so well with your audience, maybe you should film a Youtube video together," someone from the PR team pointed out. "Lauren Cimorelli, you have a Youtube channel, no? You guys should do like a Q and A or something to make your fans go crazier about your relationship."

Lauren cringed at the idea of that. The last time she did something similar with her previous boyfriend, he ended up using her for her spotlight. She glanced over at the Y/E/C-eyed. Although... this current 'girlfriend' of hers was way more famous than she was. If anything, the roles were reversed now. She didn't like to use Y/N for publicity but this was literally her deal in their contract, this was what she wanted. She silently asked Y/N for her thoughts on this but only got a blank stare in return. "Uhm sure, yeah, let's do that, I guess."

Y/N ended up being forced to release that love song she wrote for Lauren. It made her feel naked in possibly the worst way possible but the public seemed to love it. Out of the ten years Y/N had been in this industry, well, she might've released some bubblegum pop at the beginning but it soon become just a straight list of depressing breakup songs. This was the first song in her entire career that was about being how in love she was instead of heart broken. Feeling naked was an understatement.

However, it also gave the relationship a lot more mixed views. Sure, it was utterly adorable how the Y/N Y/L/N had finally released her first ever love song, it definitely made their relationship look real with blood sweat and tears. But at the same time, it seemed like such an awful coincidence. Some might would even call it a power PR move.

It's got to the point where Y/N didn't even know why she wrote that song in the first place anymore. Was it really for PR or was she actually putting her heart into those lyrics? Was she really in love with her the way she was describing in her song or did she write those words to fill up the blank pages?

She looked over at Lauren, who was just placing the props for their Youtube video on the table. She couldn't even control the faint smile that's found its way into her lips solely just by the sight of her. Maybe... looking at her was making her remember the reason again. She was undeniably falling for this girl and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Lauren commented with a smirk, breaking Y/N out of her trance. 

Y/N tilted her head to one side. "What makes you think I won't do just that?" She was ready to pull out her phone from her pocket but got stopped quick enough by Lauren, who met her with a playful eye roll. Lauren grabbed both of her hands in hers and turned to face her. "Any reason you were staring at me like that, missy?" she asked.

"So what's your opinion on relationships?" Y/N didn't know what's possessed her but the words came out before she knew it. She could take it back right now if she wanted to. She didn't want to.

Lauren was taken aback by the question. "Relationships mean a lot to me, it's," she paused to find the right words for it, subconsciously withdrawing from the Y/E/C-eyed girl. "I take it very seriously."

Y/N nodded her head slowly, daring to push it another step further. "What are your thought on giving us a real go then?"

Lauren just stared at her. She couldn't think of anything to say. I guess it was something she's never thought about. It was obvious that she was growing a liking towards this Y/E/C-eyed girl, sure, she could get herself to admit that. But being in an actual relationship with her?

The silence was too deafening for Y/N's taste, even though it lasted for a mere second. "I'm just kidding, lady. Chill," she said with a chuckle.


Lauren wasn't sure what she planned to say, she didn't want Y/N to get the wrong idea but she also didn't want to reply to her question. She really didn't know what to say. I guess in a way she got saved by the director interrupting her, "Alright folks, let's get this shit rolling."



Those tweets had typos and grammar errors on purpose, don't correct me, I know. It's for aesthetic and authentic reasons 💅🏻

This was more so a filler chap, was boring, sorry. Next one will be much longer. Depending on how life's gonna go, I'll see when I'm gonna post it.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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