Chapter 5 - Just like an old married couple

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Narrator's POV

"Why didn't you tell me you had a dog?!"

Y/N chuckled at Lauren, who was now hiding behind her and using her as a shield just in case or whatever. "I think I specifically told you I had a dog," she said as she tried to get the girl away from her back, but she was just clutching onto her shirt for dear life.

"I thought you were kidding," Lauren exclaimed.

The massive pound of fluff spotted his owner by the kitchen and immediately charged at her at full speed. Needless to say, that terrified the shit out of the dark-haired girl, making her hold onto Y/N tighter than ever. The Y/E/C-eyed girl didn't know what was happening to her but she felt her cheeks burning with Lauren pressed so close to her, and she really isn't one to blush easily.

With her being caught off guard like that, her dog almost tackled her to the floor with his force. She managed to just catch him on time and ruffled his fur excitedly. "Hello, my handsome little baby," she cooed as she went to crouch down on his eye level. It forced Lauren to let her go unless she wanted to buck down too and be in close contact with this huge dog.

The dog seemed to finally have come down from his high and noticed the stranger behind his owner. His defensive instincts started to kick in and he growled at the dark-haired girl.

"Y/N Y/L/N..." Lauren's voice trembled out.

Y/N squished the dog's cheeks before enveloping him in a hug. "She means no harm," she said softly as she hushed him down. The dog's growling slowly faded away so Y/N carefully let go of him. She stood up again and dusted his fur away from her shirt before turning to face the dark-haired girl. Lauren was standing there with her arms crossed and was eyeing the dog warily.

"So... do you think you can let him sniff your hand and give him a quick pat or is that too much?"

Lauren looked at her really unsure. "Does he bite?"

To demonstrate that he doesn't, the Y/E/C-eyed girl pressed her own hand against her dog's mouth. The dog just licked it and lapped it fully with drool and nothing else.

Carefully, Lauren placed her hand near his nose. It accidentally brushed against Y/N's hand, but she didn't seem to pay too much attention to that. On the contrary, Y/N felt herself blushing again by such a simple skin contact. The dog didn't bite her fingers off or anything, he was just sniffing her with full curiosity before he nudged her hand to move it to his head.

"He's asking you to pet him," the Y/E/C-eyed girl explained with a chuckle. Lauren was just looking at the dog dumbfounded, so she figured she didn't know what he wanted.

The dark-haired girl brushed her hand against his fur. She can't remember the last time she willingly petted a dog that isn't hers. She still doesn't like the dog too much, but he's not doing her any harm right now and he seemed to be enjoying his pats, so she can live with that.

Suddenly, sounds were heard from some other part of the house, stealing away the dog's attention. Within a split second, he sprinted out of the kitchen and just disappeared. Now that the dog is gone, they both realized how close they were standing and quickly backed away again.

Y/N rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. "Did I just cure your phobia?" she half-joked.

"Not sure if I'm cured when I was almost peeing my pants the whole time," Lauren replied dryly. "Why can't you own a chihuahua or something? Did you really have to choose a dog this big?" She thought rich people liked small lap dogs, not a fricking huge one. Despite that the dog had his tongue lolled out and seemed to be smiling at her before he sprinted away, that still didn't make the dark-haired girl feel any easier in his presence.

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