𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉 (16)

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I pulled away from the kiss, trying to breathe properly again.

"I'm sorry." Jaemin said with a slight sad expression on his face.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked him, not knowing why he would apologise.

"Err.. nothing. Let's go get ready and make some breakfast. Your dad won't come home today because he has to go on a business trip like he told me."

My smile disappeared.

Again? Business trip? I miss him so much every day but he doesn't care probably because business is more important than family for him.

"Hey what's wrong?" A worried Jaemin asked.

"It's nothing, lets just go." I replied.

We did everything like we usually do and went downstairs.

As soon as we came downstairs an unpleasant smell hit my nose.

It smells like..


"Nana what's that smell?" I asked Jaemin.

"Oh I don't know." He said and suspiciously looked away from me.

I started walking around the living room, trying to find the place where the smell comes from.

I got closer to the stairs that went downstairs and the smell got even stronger than before.

I wanted to go downstairs to see what's happening there but I was stopped by Jaemin who grabbed my wrist.

"Let me go, I wanna see what's going on there." I demanded in a serious tone.

"Please don't." Jaemin then said.

"Are you hiding something from me? You sound so straight forward. I thought couples never lie to each other." I told him, trying to make him tell me the truth.

He then slowly loosened the grip on my wrist and whispered, with tears rolling down his face

"I'm sorry."

I rolled my eyes and removed his hand from my wrist completely so I could actually go downstairs and see what's wrong.

I turned on the light so I could see where I was going since there is no windows or anything like that.

The reason for that is the fact that my dad always meets up with his people downstairs to talk about their next plan on how they will oppress a new company.

He doesn't want anyone to find out because if anyone will find out, he'll have to go to jail.

So I went down each stair very carefully, and in that time I realised that there were some bloodstains going right to my dads room.

He didn't kill anyone, did he?

I tried going around these bloodstains because I didn't want my socks to get dirty, and I successfully did.

When I came closer to my dads room, nobody in there was breathing.

So was Jaemin right about him going out?

He has to be right because he doesn't lie to me. But dad always calls me if he goes out, maybe he forgot his phone this time?

So I slowly opened the door to his room, expecting nobody to be in there.

I closed my eyes, because I didn't want to see what's going on in his room yet.

"Please don't look in there, I'm begging you!" I heard Jaemin screaming from behind me.

I turned around and opened my eyes to see Jaemin crying hysterically as if something extremely sad happened.

"But how do you know what's about to happen huh? Did you participate in anything and didn't tell me?" I shouted back.

He suddenly went completely silent and just looked down.

I turned my head around to see what's going on in my dads room.

There was my dad lying on the bed.

There was blood on both him and his bed sheets.

I ran up to him as quickly as I could and tried waking him up.

"Dad! Dad! Why is there blood all around you!"

I tried shacking his huge body but when he didn't wake up I laid my head on his chest, trying to listen to his pulse.

After a few minutes I realised that he wasn't breathing anymore so I started crying.

I felt somebody's presence behind me.

"I'm sorry."

to be continued...

𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚 ( Na Jaemin mafia au )Where stories live. Discover now