𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝐷𝑎𝑦 𝐴𝑡 𝑆𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑙 (25)

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*alarm goes off*

My loud ass alarm has woken me up, reminding me that today I have school for the first time in a while.

It's around 7am currently and I am more tired than ever. I had to force myself to get up and get ready since school starts in one hour and I had to take the bus since I have no one to drive me to school anymore.

I did my morning routine as usual, made myself breakfast, sat on my phone a bit and it was time to get ready and walk to my nearest busstop already.

As I was walking to the bus stop the realisation that I'll be living like this for a while so I had to get used to this type of life. I might seem like some wealthy, lazy bitch and it's not wrong but it's still kind of odd having to live a whole other life style from now on.

I got to the bus stop and I didn't have to wait long for the bus to arrive already.

I got in, I felt a couple of eyes looking at me, probably because they either haven't seen me for a while or because I look weird to them.

A few minutes have passed and there we were, at the entrance of the school. Everyone got out and walked to their classes while I didn't even know where to go. If my dad was still here he'd come with me to the school director and clear everything up, but now I have to do everything myself. Damn that bitch whom shot him.

I entered the school council, and a couple of "ugh those kids these days" later I have finally cleared everything up and went to class.

I sat down in some random seat, took out my notebook and while waiting for the teacher to come I started doodling something.

"Good morning class!"

This sentence made me shoot my head up and so did everyone else's. All students stood up to greet the teacher, after we've done so everyone sat down and the lesson began.

~time skip~

This was probably the most boring class of my entire life but oh well it is over now so thats a good thing at least.

Its break right now so I headed outside and ate the sandwich I bought at the school cafeteria. It wasn't the best one I've ever eaten, maybe it's just because I'm used to eating fresh home made food.

20 minutes have passed, the break is over. I'm now heading to the next class. This is how the day is going by all the way until 3pm. Boring class after another boring class.

I was happy when the day ended and I was finally able to come home. My entire energy was drained so I decided to take a little nap before doing homework, but before that I showered and ate of course.

Two hours later I woke up, already feeling a little bit better. I immediately sat down at my desk and started doing homework because I didn't want to have any problems the next day.

I put on my favourite study playlist and started working, I finished surprisingly quickly so I was able to stay on my phone for a bit before actually going to sleep. I checked all my messages with Jaemin, and not being able to wait any longer for him to come home.

Its only been two days since he disappeared without saying anything. Maybe I should stop thinking about him and the time will go by quicker?

I checked my social media for the last time that day and went to sleep.

oh shit hold on I forgot to put on my alarm

to be continued...

hey yall... its me again, did yall miss me? im very sorry for not feeding yall with new chapters lately, im actually running out of ideas plus im extremely busy these days and as you might know my phone broke a while ago. I literally just got a new one and I still have to get used to it but thats beside the point, i actually wanted to ask yall something, what would you like me to put into the next, and also hopefully last, chapters? lmk either here in the comments or privately and I'll try to do my best with making your wish come true!

𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚 ( Na Jaemin mafia au )Where stories live. Discover now