𝑫𝒂𝒚 𝑶𝒖𝒕 (23)

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It's the next morning. I woke up, no one was in the bed with me.

I could hear voices from downstairs but almost none if them seemed familiar to me.

"Jaemin are you here?" I asked rather loudly while looking around. No one answered.

I got up from my bed and went downstairs to see what's going on while still being in my pyjamas.

I tried to be as quiet as possible because I was scared to interrupt something.

The voices got louder the moment I got to my fathers room, and I could clearly hear Jaemin talking to some other people.

Jaemin's pov

"So this is a deal right?" One of the multiple men I was sitting in the room with said.

"It is. Its starting tomorrow, correct?" I reassured.

"Yes, please be there as early as possible so it will all be over sooner." Another man told me.

I shook hands with the boss of these men, and then I heard a noice coming from outside of the room. I sounded like... a person breathing and walking closer.

The men quickly packed their stuff and went out of the secret exit of the room.

As soon as they left I changed into baggy, comfortable clothes because I was still in the house and it was just the morning after all.

I ran up the stairs to check the noise I heard earlier, and to my surprise I saw no-one.

I then went up to Y/n's room to check of she's still there and when I entered the room she was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

"Honey wake up its like 10am right now, we should eat some breakfast and maybe also watch a movie"

With one arm she put her blanket over her head, and just like that I took the chance to tickle her while she wasn't looking.

I started tickling her feet and instantly loud laughters could be heard from her and she started kicking me. This went on for a good couple of minutes until she finally peeked out of the blanket.

She had messy hair, she looked like she was quite exhausted from all this and so I took the blanket off of her body so she could finally stand up and eat breakfast with me since I haven't eaten anything today.

I went downstairs while she was finishing off showering and doing her skincare routine. I turned on Netflix, went over to the kitchen and got out a pan, a couple of ingredients and tried doing something I saw on the Internet a while ago.

I tried putting all my love into that dish, hoping that Y/n will like it. In the middle of the cooking suddenly a wild Y/n appeared and jumped on my back and grabbed me like a koala.

"Watchu doing?" She asked

"Cooking, obviously" I said with a little smile.

"Get the plates, it's almost done" I commanded and she immediately got of me and got the plates.

I took some forks and knives and we went over to the table to eat.

To my surprise Y/n finished off eating really quickly, put the dishes in the dishwasher and ran over to the couch and looked up a movie.

I was about to ask how the food was but she just yelled to speed up and sit down on the couch so we could finally watch the movie. I did as she told me to do and jumped on the couch.

I put my arm around her and the movie started.

♧--time skip--♧

A couple of hours went by and I started feeling bored and I could tell that Y/n got bored as well so I stood up, got her hand, turned on the TV and ran upstairs to change into clothes that would fit for the weather which was really warm so I dressed up in shirts and a t-shirt and I told Y/n to dress up in light clothes as well since I wanted to take her somewhere.

I ran downstairs, got my car keys, put on some shoes and waited for her to come downstairs as well.

When she came we went to the car and I looked up the location on my phone and started driving right away.

"So, where are we going exactly?" She asked.

"Don't worry, you'll see" I answered with a little smirk.

The drive wasn't that long, it took about 30 minutes to get there, and when we were near the destination I told her to close her eyes.

Y/n's pov

"Close your eyes"


"It's a surprise just do as I tell you, alright?"

I did as he told me to and I felt the car slowing down at one point.

I heard him opening the car door on his side and walking over to my side to open the door for me. When I got out of my seat he closed all the doors, locked the car and went back to me to cover my eyes with his hands.

He guided me somewhere, it was a rather loud place so I was wondering where we could possibly be at right now.

After a few more steps we stood in one place and he took his hands off my eyes and there we were, standing in the middle of an amusement park.

I was amazed by how many roller coasters there are and how many rides there are. I wanted to go on all of them at once but I knew I had to start off somewhere small and gradually going on more harder rides.

Jaemin followed me around everywhere I went and went on every ride with me and had fun with me.

We spend the whole day going on rides, eating snacks and having fun and spending a lovely time with Jaemin.

After spending the rest of the day at the amusement park the last ride Jaemin wanted to go on was the Ferris Wheel.

We stood in line waiting to get an empty cabin and after some time we were finally let into a cabin.

There we slowly started going up and each time we got higher we could see the park more and more. At the highest point we saw both the entire park and we could look at the sunset forming since its getting late.

"Thanks for taking me here baby boy"

"No prob- what did you just call me"

"Look at the sunset"

We looked out of the windows from the cabin and couldn't take off our eyes of the sight.

The end of the day came. We left the park with beautiful, new, happy memories and we drove home.

I went upstairs, showered and was ready to go to sleep and I was only waiting for Jaemin. While waiting I already fell asleep waiting and just like that the day was over.

to be continued...

𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚 ( Na Jaemin mafia au )Where stories live. Discover now