𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑠 (27)

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School ended, I walked back home already making plans where and when i will go in the next two weeks.

The thought of going to all these places made me excited, but since I was going to be alone the entire time I was getting scared. I don't like going to big places without Jaemin, what if I don't understand something or break a rule? No one will be there to stop me anymore.

Some time later I arrived at home, unlocked the front door, went to my room and changed into more comfortable clothes.

I sat down at my desk and got a notebook out of my backpack. I opened a page where I haven't written down anything yet and made a list, only thing that was left was to write down the places and on what day I should go there.

First thing that came to my mind; The mall.
I wrote that down, next to it I wrote:
1. Week; Monday.

Second place; Noraebang.
1 Week; Tuesday.

Third place; The Amusement Park.
1 Week; Wednesday.

Fourth place; PC bang.
1 Week; Thursday.

Fifth place; The beach.
1 Week; Friday.


I crossed everything out.

What the heck am I supposed to do in the second week if I create such a tight schedule? Repeat everything? boring. New list.


Maybe the tight schedule is a good idea, I just have to find more places to visit. I opened my phone and looked up what I could possibly do in my area, and I got the perfect idea; Sightseeing.

I couldn't explore the country or the area I live in because I have rarely gone out in my life, for some reason dad just always told me to stay at home except when I have to go to school.

But Jaemin still took me out in secret. He made me realise how interesting the outside world was. But how interesting will it be without him?

I clicked the first sightseeing article that came up;
"Sightseeing across the whole country, book now for 1 week!"

One week? that would be a perfect filler for the second week!

I started speed writing everything I wrote in the first list, made Saturday and Sunday the break days and added the sightseeing for the entirety of the second week.


I unlocked my phone again and bought the ticket from Monday to Sunday, as soon as I got the confirmation E-mail I jumped up and down from excitement.

It was quite expensive since the company included the hotel prices we were gonna stay at each day. The hotels didn't seem that good but I could care less, I was here for the sights not the hotels after all.

Right now it was Friday so I just spend the rest of the day doing nothing else but thinking about the break. Eventually I found myself sitting in front of the TV watching a bunch of shows I haven't finished yet, and it was like this for Saturday and Sunday as well.

Woke up, made myself ready, breakfast, TV, even more TV, lunch, TV again, dinner, TV and then it's the end of the day.

Monday is coming closer each second and I have never been more excited to spend the whole day at the mall for some reason.

When Sunday ended I couldn't even fall asleep at the thought of what I'm gonna do in the next two weeks.

I just sat on my phone the whole night even though I knew that I have to wake up quite early so I won't miss the entire day again by sleeping for too long.

Eventually I locked my phone, spend a few minutes trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in and I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

"oh how peaceful she looks like while sleeping~"

to be continued...

𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚 ( Na Jaemin mafia au )Where stories live. Discover now