this house feels like home

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Loki turned around and there Thor stood.

"Thor?" He said, the word sounded strange on his tongue, like the last time he had spoken it aloud was a millennium ago. He felt... numb, like suddenly he couldn't move, and breathing seemed impossible a task. Thor is here. Thor.

When Loki picked up the Tesseract back in the other world, when he let it take him away he thought he'd never see Thor again, that it was the price he paid; forever without a brother. But Thor was here. Thor was here and Thor looked so different yet so similar.

"Loki.... are you all right?" Thor spoke again when Loki had been wordless. Loki blinked, like he was lost in trance and Thor's voice brought him back to reality. A reality with Thor.

"I..." He said, but he was speechless. Nothing would come out. 

(And he had thought; he had thought if he saw Thor again, he'd summon a dagger and finish where he left off at the top of the Avengers Tower back in the other world. Thor was here now and all Loki wanted to do was cry on his brother's shoulder. Because he was all alone in a complete different existence and Thor, even if it was the other Thor, was the only thing closest to home he had left. He wanted to have Thor protect him like how things used to be when they were little. He sought those comfort, a sense of safety that only Thor could provide) 

"Come," Thor said. "Perhaps you have something you wish to speak with me? Or if not, I suppose you'd feel more comfortable with some rest, aye?" Thor nodded as a signal for Loki to follow, then he began leading the way.

Loki gulped. Part of him wanted to teleport away. He ended up following Thor's lead like he always did.


Loki couldn't sleep. He'd been repeating the previous conversation he and Peter had in his head. He wished he had other friends, besides Peter, so he could ask them what to do when a best friend seemed to be keeping a secret from him. He had other friends, sure; the Avengers, Steve, Thor, May, even if that still sounded odd to him and he was still not quite used to having this many friends. He didn't know how to talk to them about Peter's being... weird. How he could talk to them without sounding petty.  

Loki looked at Zeus; the little fox slept soundlessly curling into a fluff tiny ball on a pillow next to his head. "I guess you don't have any idea about what's going on with Peter, huh?"

He sighed. He'd told himself he shouldn't -- wouldn't -- care. He wished it was that easy to not give a fuck about what a mortal might be up to -- his old self wouldn't have any problem doing just that. 

Might as well get something to eat, he thought. Loki had always had a sweet tooth, and what Tony got in the kitchen always at least brightened up his mood, if only a little. It certainly wouldn't hurt if he were to have a late night snack.

He got out of bed and left the room.


Loki hadn't expected to see Steve when he walked into the kitchen. Steve, too, looked surprised to see him.

"Hi," Loki said, smiling sweetly. Although he was more surprised by the way Steve was looking at him than how he was surprised to see Steve here. Because Steve was looking at him like he'd never seen him before. Why is everybody acting so weird? Loki wondered. Though he decided not to ask and just wordlessly made his way to the kitchen island.

"You... you changed," Steve's voice brought him up short.


"You were in your full armour just five minutes ago," Steve kept looking at him like that.

My Best Friend's the God of Mischief // Peter x LokiWhere stories live. Discover now