Part 79

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^ this gives me life yet it reminds me that life goes fast so idk IM EMOTIONAL RN

Which Two Band Members are Your Best Friends

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Muke

Taurus: Mashton

Gemini: Cake

Cancer: Lashton

Leo: Cashton

Virgo: Malum

Libra: Cake

Scorpio: Muke

Sagittarius: Lashton

Capricorn: Mashton

Aquarius: Cashton

Pisces: Cake



Aries: Larry

Taurus: Lirry

Gemini: Niam

Cancer: Narry

Leo: Ziam

Virgo: Zarry

Libra: Zouis

Scorpio: Nouis

Sagittarius: Narry

Capricorn: Ziam

Aquarius: Larry

Pisces: Zouis


comment what you got!! I got Muke and Larry :D

#4yearsofHemmo1996 I'm actually crying can you hear my tears omfg he came so far, they all came so far and I'm so proud. I've been in this Fam since June 2014 but I love them all, and I don't think it matters how long you've been in a fandom-as long as you love them, you're proud of them, you'll be there for them, you're happy for them, and the whole fam never hates on them or each other. As long as we stick by each other's sides.

I love you all.

so I started 2nd semester today and I don't have gym anymore thank goodness

but now I have health

I had a delayed opening so I went to school at 9:20, very confused and still very tired

QOTC: have you ever met the boys?

my answer: in my dreams

love you xx

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