Part 109

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Which Two Band Members Fight Over You

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Muke

Taurus: Mashton

Gemini: Cashton

Cancer: Malum

Leo: Cake

Virgo: Lashton

Libra: Muke

Scorpio: Malum

Sagittarius: Lashton

Capricorn: Cashton

Aquarius: Malum

Pisces: Cake



Aries: Nouis

Taurus: Narry

Gemini: Zarry

Cancer: Lirry

Leo: Larry

Virgo: Ziam

Libra: Niam

Scorpio: Lilo

Sagittarius: Zouis

Capricorn: Nouis

Aquarius: Zarry

Pisces: Zouis


comment what you got!! I got Muke and Nouis :D

i have a headache and i haven't really eaten much today and im in a really sad mood :/ oh well

idk what else to put here

can you all do me a favor and check my other Wattpad account: darklyzayn ? It's the first account i made, mostly all 1D books. thank you my beautiful people x

QOTC: who is your favorite Disney princess?

my answer: Tiana from princess and the frog :D

love you xx

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