Part 171

653 65 21

Which Band Member Can't Stop Kissing You

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Luke

Taurus: Calum

Gemini: Ashton

Cancer: Luke

Leo: Michael

Virgo: Michael

Libra: Calum

Scorpio: Ashton

Sagittarius: Ashton

Capricorn: Luke

Aquarius: Michael

Pisces: Calum



Aries: Harry

Taurus: Harry

Gemini: Niall

Cancer: Liam

Leo: Louis

Virgo: Niall

Libra: Liam

Scorpio: Louis

Sagittarius: Harry

Capricorn: Liam

Aquarius: Louis

Pisces: Niall


comment what you got!! I got Luke and Harry :)

R5's new album Sometime Last Night just came out and I LOVE IT I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU GUYS CHECK IT OUT

my favorite song is either Repeating Days or Did You Have Your Fun? :D

I've felt like crap all day bc headache and allergies and now my stomach hurts dammit.

so I think 5sos are going to release a new single, bc that's what everyone's saying (and a radio said they were going to perform it)

they did another 5 On The Wall but all I heard was static and dial tones WHAT DOES IT MEAN


5 more days to find out I guess

QOTC: what are your pet peeves?

my answer: when someone chews their food loudly (it's really annoying), when people shame others for their appearance, and bullying in general.

Also when my orthodontist says I'll be getting my braces off soon and tHEY LIE BC I WAS SUPPOSED TO GET THEM OFF MONTHS AGO

love you xx

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