Part 102

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Which Band Member Has a Tumblr Blog About You

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Calum

Taurus: Ashton

Gemini: Michael

Cancer: Luke

Leo: Michael

Virgo: Calum

Libra: Ashton

Scorpio: Luke

Sagittarius: Calum

Capricorn: Ashton

Aquarius: Luke

Pisces: Michael



Aries: Louis

Taurus: Zayn

Gemini: Liam

Cancer: Niall

Leo: Niall

Virgo: Zayn

Libra: Harry

Scorpio: Harry

Sagittarius: Liam

Capricorn: Louis

Aquarius: Zayn

Pisces: Niall


comment what you got!! I got Calum and Louis :D

it's been snowing all day, well since i woke up at 12:30 it has

i've also been incredibly bored

why are Sunday's so boring for me

on Wednesday it will be exactly one month until my birthday whoop whoop turning 15

im just gonna ask for 5sos & 1D merch, and hope that i get tickets to OTRA which i probably won't

one direction singing uptown funk is life


they really deserve those lyrics

QOTC: probably already asked, but when were you born?

my answer: April 4th, 2000 (I love being born in 2000 bc I can never forget my age lol)

love you xx

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