Part 158

726 65 18

Which Band Member Falls Truly Madly Deeply in Love With You (ayeee)


Aries: Ashton

Taurus: Calum

Gemini: Michael

Cancer: Luke

Leo: Michael

Virgo: Ashton

Libra: Calum

Scorpio: Luke

Sagittarius: Luke

Capricorn: Calum

Aquarius: Ashton

Pisces: Michael



Aries: Harry

Taurus: Louis

Gemini: Liam

Cancer: Niall

Leo: Harry

Virgo: Liam

Libra: Niall

Scorpio: Louis

Sagittarius: Louis

Capricorn: Niall

Aquarius: Harry

Pisces: Liam


comment what you got!! I got Ashton and Harry :)

so I went to the mall and got a bunch of cute clothes and new boots eeeeeepppp

I woke up at 11:00AM but I when to bed only at 12?? why does this happen to me??? whenever I go to bed early I wake up late, but whenever I go to bed late I wake up early...

I don't understand wtf???

QOTC: what are your favorite stores to shop at?

my answer: Forever 21, Express, Old Navy, Hot Topic, Hollister, I used to shop at a store called Delia's but sadly they closed

love you xx

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