Part 29

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He (Your Fave) Finds Your...

(Birth month)

January: Tumblr

February: 5sos blog

March: one direction blog

April: wattpad

May: fan account on Twitter

June: fan account on Instagram

July: FanFictions about him

August: diary

September: shrine dedicated to him

October: lipstick stained posters of him

November: tampon/pads

December: merchandise of his band


comment what you got!! I got "He finds my Wattpad" oh god if they ever found it I would die *-*

sooo I got my report card today and I could've had straight A's but nooo I missed it by two points -.- I should be grateful tho bc at least I'm passing and that's what matters

QOTC: what's your weakest subject in school? (the one your worst at)

my answer: apparently it's english when I thought it was math 😂 ok then

I think every single one of you is intelligent bc grades are numbers and numbers don't define you ;) don't let school stress you out

I don't really feel good rn so byeeeee love you xx

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