Part 97

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Which Band Member Saves You From a Burning Building

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Luke

Taurus: Ashton

Gemini: Ashton

Cancer: Luke

Leo: Calum

Virgo: Calum

Libra: Michael

Scorpio: Michael

Sagittarius: Calum

Capricorn: Luke

Aquarius: Michael

Pisces: Ashton



Aries: Zayn

Taurus: Liam

Gemini: Louis

Cancer: Louis

Leo: Harry

Virgo: Niall

Libra: Niall

Scorpio: Zayn

Sagittarius: Harry

Capricorn: Liam

Aquarius: Louis

Pisces: Liam


comment what you got!! I got Luke and Zayn :)

i was tired the whole damn day bc a freaking alert came on my phone at 2AM and woke me up. I thought it was 6AM and it was time for me to get ready for school

i got recommended for U.S. History honors for my sophomore year today yay

also: next week there's this big difficult stupid test my state gives to students and I'm actually stressing out its for the ENTIRE month of March

QOTC: what are five facts about you?

1.) I like being called princess

2.) I love all of you

3.) my last name includes two capital letters and an apostrophe

4.) I am a very shy person so if we ever meet I'll probably be quiet and blush multiple times bc im awkward

5.) I love pizza

love you xx

1D & 5SOS HoroscopesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora