Part 90

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sorry 'bout that

Which Band Member Buys You a Puppy

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Calum

Taurus: Luke

Gemini: Luke

Cancer: Michael

Leo: Michael

Virgo: Ashton

Libra: Calum

Scorpio: Michael

Sagittarius: Ashton

Capricorn: Luke

Aquarius: Ashton

Pisces: Calum



Aries: Liam

Taurus: Zayn

Gemini: Niall

Cancer: Louis

Leo: Harry

Virgo: Louis

Libra: Zayn

Scorpio: Niall

Sagittarius: Liam

Capricorn: Harry

Aquarius: Zayn

Pisces: Louis


comment what you got!! I got Calum and Liam :)

oh my god I'm so pissed off. this girl on Twitter got a tattoo that says "h.e.s is bae" which I think is completely okay bc it's her body and she could get a damn tattoo if she wanted to. people (in our fandom, which is sad) were calling her ugly. that's what makes me mad. no one, and I mean NO ONE, is physically ugly and shouldn't be called ugly. that's so rude.

also: you know how Niall was rumored to have a girlfriend? well, this girl on Twitter called her a bitch, and someone asked why, and the girl replied with, "she's a bitch for dating Niall" that is literally one of the most stupid responses I have ever heard. it's so rude. just bc she could be dating Niall does NOT make her a bitch. Niall can date whoever he pleases. he can have a girlfriend. THE BOYS CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT, AND DATE WHOEVER THEY WANT WITHOUT RUDE RESPONSES ON THE GIRL OR BOY. you have to respect it. you don't have to be happy, but you have to respect it.

sorry for the rant.

anyway, I go back to school tomorrow and I think I'm gonna cry I don't wanna go back

QOTC: have you ever taken a sport/activity?

my answer: I've taken a dance class for five years (ballet and tap) but I quit to focus on school and bands

love you xx

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