Part 131

966 58 32

Which Band/Artist You Go To See With Your Fave Member

(Your Zodiac Sign)

(5sos + 1D)

Aries: Ed Sheeran

Taurus: All Time Low

Gemini: The 1975

Cancer: Arctic Monkeys

Leo: Ariana Grande

Virgo: The Fray

Libra: Taylor Swift

Scorpio: Fall Out Boy

Sagittarius: Imagine Dragons

Capricorn: Katy Perry

Aquarius: Sam Smith

Pisces: Nick Jonas


comment what you got!! I got Ed Sheeran :D

sorry if you don't like any of the artists/bands above ^_^

all time low's new album is perfection vgcsgjudst

there are new emojis (my phone can't get them smh it's unable to) and idk why people are complaining. it's now diverse, isn't that what everyone wanted?? sure a middle finger emoji is nice but diverse and equal emojis are better tbh

im really tired rn. sorry I didn't update yesterday SCHOOL TIRES ME OUT

especially algebra. we're adding, multiplying, and diving polynomials atm


QOTC: what are your fears?

my answer: bugs, the dark (just a bit), not heights but falling, people (socializing gives me anxiety, thats why I'm so shy - im scared I'll bother someone with my presence or they'll be mean to me and I'm sensitive)

love you xx

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