Part 21

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What You And Your Fave Eat Together On Thanksgiving

(Your Zodiac Sign)

Aries: Pasta

Taurus: Mash Potatoes

Gemini: Turkey

Cancer: Chicken

Leo: Salad

Virgo: Seafood

Libra: McDonalds

Scorpio: Take Out

Sagittarius: Pumpkin Pie

Capricorn: Cake

Aquarius: Ice Cream

Pisces: Apple Pie


comment what you got!! I got Pasta :P

Happy Thanksgiving! (Even for those who don't celebrate) I am thankful for many things, but tbh, the top of my list would be 1d, 5sos, and the two fandoms (aka the fam in 5sos terms). You guys make me feel like life is worth living everyday, you turn all my bad days into good, and I just love all of you. ❤️

QOTC: what's your favorite Thanksgiving meal? (If you don't celebrate, you can name your favorite food)

my answer: my favorite is ravioli or stuffed shells. I love Italian food lol perks of being Italian :D

love you guys xx

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