Part 75

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Which Two Band Members You Have A Threesome With ;) (IM SORRY IM TRYING TO FIND WAYS TO KEEP Y'ALL INTERESTED)

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Mashton

Taurus: Muke

Gemini: Lashton

Cancer: Malum

Leo: Cashton

Virgo: Muke

Libra: Mashton

Scorpio: Cake

Sagittarius: Cake

Capricorn: Lashton

Aquarius: Cashton

Pisces: Malum



Aries: Narry

Taurus: Larry

Gemini: Lirry

Cancer: Zarry

Leo: Zouis

Virgo: Ziam

Libra: Ziall

Scorpio: Lilo

Sagittarius: Niam

Capricorn: Nouis

Aquarius: Narry

Pisces: Ziall


comment what you got!! I got Mashton and Narry ;)

i got my period school and now im having cramps that feel like swords in my stomach :( really feel like cuddling rn

i had my italian and algebra exam today and tomorrow is my english and biology exams mY LAST TWO EXAMS

i start health next week ugh

QOTC: favorite song atm?

my answer: Haunted by Beyoncé

love you xx

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