Part 197

505 44 16

Which Band Member Gives You Backstage Passes to His Concert

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Luke

Taurus: Calum

Gemini: Ashton

Cancer: Michael

Leo: Luke

Virgo: Calum

Libra: Michael

Scorpio: Ashton

Sagittarius: Ashton

Capricorn: Luke

Aquarius: Michael

Pisces: Calum



Aries: Liam

Taurus: Harry

Gemini: Niall

Cancer: Louis

Leo: Louis

Virgo: Harry

Libra: Niall

Scorpio: Liam

Sagittarius: Harry

Capricorn: Louis

Aquarius: Niall

Pisces: Liam


comment what you got!! I got Luke and Liam :)

Liam doesn't deserve all the shit he gets :( he does so many amazing things and he still gets hate. He's a human for gods sake and we all make mistakes. We say things that don't come out quite right. He has apologized but I think we all should understand that he didn't mean to offend anyone. Liam has the biggest heart and literally an beautiful angel. Stop giving him a hard time and start appreciating him for all the things he does. Respect him.

Okay okay I respect all fandoms but a few 5H fans piss me off. The awful things they trend; telling someone to die is not okay, it's fucking sick. And over an award? Really? I know it's not all 5H fans but some of them need to grow the hell up and be mature. An award doesn't need to prove how awesome a fandom you are. An awesome fandom means supporting your idol and being polite to other fandoms. Telling someone to cut is a terrible thing to do and if you ever told someone that than I automatically lost all my respect for you. Being so cruel to another human being is disgusting. Don't you dare hate on people or bully anyone else.

sorry for the rants but a lot of things just anger me lately ugh

in exactly two weeks I go back to school and I'm not mentally/emotionally prepared

I love learning but sometimes school makes me feel so awful about myself ffs

if you're just about to enter high school just take a deep breath. I know it gets overwhelming but I just want to tell you: grades don't define intelligence and your mental health/happiness is WAY more important than grades

QOTC: do you have a tumblr?

my answer: yes, it's hemmosexual-michael (bc muke af haha) and I try to be funny on there but I'm not lol

love you xx

1D & 5SOS HoroscopesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora