Part 13

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His Favorite Feature About You

(the month you were born)

January: Your Eyes

February: Your Body

March: Your Personality

April: Your Mind

May: Your Hair

June: Your Smile

July: Your Intelligence

August: Your Voice

September: Your Laugh

October: Your Hugs

November: Your Kisses

December: Everything


comment what you got, my beauties!!

i got: my mind :D

i think you're all beautiful <3 Your fave would be very lucky to date you :)

QOTC: what's your biggest insecurity, if you have one? it's okay to be confident and happy about yourself, definitely okay.

my answer: I have many, but I've always been really insecure about my stomach. not my weight, but how my stomach looks. it just doesn't look right to me.

have a great day, love you xx keep smiling :)

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