Part 38

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Where Luke Hemmings Takes You On A Date:

(Your Birth Month)

January: Carnival

February: Zoo

March: Fancy Restaurant

April: Movie Theatre

May: Your Favorite Restaurant

June: Beach

July: His House

August: Drive-In Theatre

September: McDonald's

October: Disney World (dream date lol)

November: The Mall

December: In Your Bed Cuddling


comment what you got!! I got Movie Theatre :)

lmao ik this looks weird but I'm running out of ideas so I'm doing individual band member horoscope, next one will probably be from 1d :D

cHrIsTmAs iS iN aBoUt eIgHt DaYs I cAnNoT wAiT

QOTD: what color is your bedroom wall?

my answer: light blue. but I share my room so I'm kinda forced to have it that way (I'm the younger sibling) otherwise it would be painted black or dark purple :/

love you xx

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