Part 157

693 51 16

Which Band Member Dyes Your Hair Your Desired Color

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Michael

Taurus: Ashton

Gemini: Luke

Cancer: Calum

Leo: Luke

Virgo: Calum

Libra: Michael

Scorpio: Ashton

Sagittarius: Ashton

Capricorn: Michael

Aquarius: Luke

Pisces: Calum



Aries: Louis

Taurus: Liam

Gemini: Niall

Cancer: Harry

Leo: Niall

Virgo: Harry

Libra: Liam

Scorpio: Liam

Sagittarius: Louis

Capricorn: Louis

Aquarius: Niall

Pisces: Harry


comment what you got!! I got Michael and Louis :D

so today was my last day of school!!! I am officially in the 10th grade, a sophomore woooo

I remember feeling a bit scared of entering high school, but now I laugh bc I've gotten so used to it. the only thing I actually feared was getting lost. if you're going into high school after summer is over, it's okay to be nervous. but don't worry, within a few weeks you'll be used to it and your freshmen year will go by hella quickly

what I learned this year: high school is not like high school musical, sadly

urggghh i fucking hate cramps jfc it feels like a thousand knives are stabbing me sOMEONE HELP AND CUDDLE ME IM DYING

ALSO: I started a One Direction Preferences book on my second wattpad, so if you'd like to check it out go to: missingtommo

QOTC: are you going to any OTRA or ROWYSO concerts?

my answer: no :( my parents didn't allow me and I can't afford it, plus I have no one to go with *cries*

love you xx

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