Part 93

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Which Band Member Writes You Romantic Poems

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Ashton

Taurus: Luke

Gemini: Calum

Cancer: Luke

Leo: Ashton

Virgo: Michael

Libra: Michael

Scorpio: Calum

Sagittarius: Calum

Capricorn: Ashton

Aquarius: Michael

Pisces: Luke



Aries: Niall

Taurus: Zayn

Gemini: Zayn

Cancer: Harry

Leo: Louis

Virgo: Liam

Libra: Liam

Scorpio: Niall

Sagittarius: Louis

Capricorn: Harry

Aquarius: Harry

Pisces: Liam


comment what you got!! I got Ashton and Niall :D

it's finally Friday I thought this week would never end

it was 1° when i went to school this morning i hate winter

so for my sophomore schedule, I would have to take: English 2A, Geometry 2A, Chemistry A w/Lab, Phys Ed/Health/Drivers' Ed, Italian 2A, U.S. History 1 (but i might be in honors tho), and any electives (i chose printing tech 1, fashion, intro to art)

doesn't it sound fabulous

i was looking at 5sos merch, specifically hoodies, aND THEY WERE EXPENSIVE AF FML THEY WERE SO CUTE TOO

but hey it's gonna be my birthday in a few weeks so i guess that's all going on my list

I was suppose to get my report card but since my school is shit it's gonna be given out on Monday hehe

they say my school is "well known" bc we were the first school in America (or the state, I wasn't really listening) to install televisions or have some program or whatever but i doubt it lmao

QOTC: what's your favorite class?

my answer: mm... fashion

love you xx

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