Part 26

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Which Band Member Teaches You To Play An Instrument

(Your Birth Month)

January: Luke

February: Liam

March: Zayn

April: Ashton

May: Michael

June: Niall

July: Calum

August: Harry

September: Louis

October: Michael

November: Luke

December: Ashton


comment what you got!! I got Ashton :D

#3Yearsof5SOS I am so proud of those boys... I haven't been in this fandom for long, only a few months (since June 2014, sorry) and I feel bad bc im one of those people who learn about things late, that's why I was late about 5sos. But I'm also one of those people who learn things quickly, and as soon as I got into these boys I learned about them quickly. I love each of them so fucking much, for their personalities, their fucking hella good music... their looks are a plus (they are beautiful). I may have not been here for a while or have been here from the start, but I love them from the bottom of my heart and I guarantee you that I'll love and support them forever... no matter what.

I also didn't have a good day today, I shed a few tears here and there, but I'm fine. I guess.

QOTC: pretty sure I asked this question, but who's your fave out of 5sos?

my answer: I love them all, but I have a soft spot for Ashton :D aka daddy (lol no regrets xD)

love you xx

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