Part 141

967 66 10

Which Band Member Cooks Your Favorite Food

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Luke

Taurus: Michael

Gemini: Ashton

Cancer: Calum

Leo: Michael

Virgo: Luke

Libra: Ashton

Scorpio: Calum

Sagittarius: Calum

Capricorn: Luke

Aquarius: Ashton

Pisces: Michael



Aries: Liam

Taurus: Zayn

Gemini: Harry

Cancer: Louis

Leo: Niall

Virgo: Zayn

Libra: Liam

Scorpio: Louis

Sagittarius: Harry

Capricorn: Niall

Aquarius: Zayn

Pisces: Liam


comment what you got!! I got Luke and Liam :)

so today I did volunteer hours at my school cleaning up around - so horrible that so many people litter, it's disgusting tbh - and it was actually fun cleaning up with my friends. we even had ice cream and root beer floats afterwards

my best friend tried to fucking murder me with a sharp wooden stake bc he thought I was a vampire since my body is freezing cold 24/7 even under hot temperatures, and I'm really pale... oh my, I think I AM a vampire

I seriously need to be dropped off at the mall and left alone for a few hours so I could go on a shopping spree rn

QOTC: how are you today? if you're having a bad day, I hope it gets better and you get happier, I promise you will 😊

my answer: I'm really great rn tbh :)

love you xx

(P.S. who wants to be date for my spring fling? haha jk)

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