Part 86

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Which Band Member Slow Dances With You (idk)

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Luke

Taurus: Ashton

Gemini: Calum

Cancer: Calum

Leo: Michael

Virgo: Luke

Libra: Ashton

Scorpio: Calum

Sagittarius: Ashton

Capricorn: Luke

Aquarius: Michael

Pisces: Michael



Aries: Zayn

Taurus: Harry

Gemini: Louis

Cancer: Zayn

Leo: Liam

Virgo: Niall

Libra: Louis

Scorpio: Harry

Sagittarius: Liam

Capricorn: Niall

Aquarius: Zayn

Pisces: Louis


comment what you got!! I got Luke and Zayn :D (lol Luke would probably step on my feet the entire time and I wouldn't be able to rest my head on his shoulder bc he's too damn tall lol)

i changed my profile pic to myself oh god i know it's horrible imma change it back later


but I got a shit ton of homework today... I don't think teachers understand the word "break"

ok so in biology we had to do this chromosome project and create a baby and my friend was my partner and I told him we should name our child Harry Styles... he didn't like it but I wrote it down anyway lol

QOTC: what's your favorite food?

my answer: pizza

love you xx

P.S. I just finished reading Allegiant and I'm crying , actually very unstable atm (even tho I knew what was going to happen)

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