Part 69

2K 108 83

Which Band Member Fucks You ;) (sorry not sorry)

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Luke

Taurus: Ashton

Gemini: Michael

Cancer: Calum

Leo: Luke

Virgo: Ashton

Libra: Michael

Scorpio: Calum

Sagittarius: Luke

Capricorn: Ashton

Aquarius: Michael

Pisces: Calum



Aries: Louis

Taurus: Niall

Gemini: Harry

Cancer: Zayn

Leo: Liam

Virgo: Louis

Libra: Niall

Scorpio: Harry

Sagittarius: Zayn

Capricorn: Liam

Aquarius: Louis

Pisces: Niall


comment what you got!! I got Luke and Louis ;)

thanks for 1k votes! I love you guys :D I read all your comments, and they make me smile and put me in a really good mood :)

in 2nd grade i had a best friend named Michael (sadly not Michael Clifford) and on Valentine's Day he'd buy me gifts, but he moved away and the last time i talked to him he said "i have a girlfriend but i still like you" and i just hung up and ignored his calls bc 1. i felt replaced and 2. WE WERE ONLY 8 YEARS OLD

but one time he called me and said "I think you have beautiful eyes" oh my god sometimes i miss him

QOTC: if you could dye your hair any color, what would you dye it?

my answer: dark red or dark blue

love you xx

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