Part 129

969 67 23

Which Band Member Says You're His World

(Your Zodiac Sign)

Aries: Michael

Taurus: Ashton

Gemini: Calum

Cancer: Luke

Leo: Michael

Virgo: Calum

Libra: Ashton

Scorpio: Luke

Sagittarius: Luke

Capricorn: Michael

Aquarius: Ashton

Pisces: Calum



Aries: Niall

Taurus: Niall

Gemini: Zayn

Cancer: Harry

Leo: Liam

Virgo: Harry

Libra: Louis

Scorpio: Louis

Sagittarius: Liam

Capricorn: Zayn

Aquarius: Niall

Pisces: Harry


comment what you got!! I got Michael and Niall :D

I had an absolute shit day :(

1.) spring break is over

2.) im on my period and i had an accident and it went through my light colored pants so I had to wear a jacket around my waist to cover it :/ I was so embarrassed

I couldn't go to the nurse bc she'd just give me an ice pack like she always does when someone goes to the nurse

3.) there was a mouse in my English class and my teacher flipped and I stood up on my desk bc I was so scared

I'm just in a horrid mood :(

QOTC: how was your day today?

my answer: like I said before, horrible

love you xx

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