Part 151

770 64 21

Which Band Member Fangirls Over Your Cuteness

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Calum

Taurus: Luke

Gemini: Michael

Cancer: Ashton

Leo: Michael

Virgo: Calum

Libra: Ashton

Scorpio: Luke

Sagittarius: Calum

Capricorn: Luke

Aquarius: Michael

Pisces: Ashton



Aries: Harry

Taurus: Niall

Gemini: Liam

Cancer: Louis

Leo: Louis

Virgo: Harry

Libra: Liam

Scorpio: Niall

Sagittarius: Harry

Capricorn: Niall

Aquarius: Louis

Pisces: Liam


comment what you got!! I got Calum and Harry :D

sooo Monday was Senior Prank Day and the seniors at my school decided to bring pillows and sleep in the hallway and have pillow fights. it was crazy bc they started hitting Freshmen, so I had to run to class. our vice principal and a teacher gOT HIT IN THE FACE OMF

and today someone sprayed pepper spray in the hallway and... oh god, it was horrible. everyone was coughing and crying. My throat started hurting and tears were in eyes, it burned and I could barely fucking breathe. I was choking. ONLY AT MY SCHOOL I SWEAR.

it really hurt...

So I'm exempt from most of my final exams, so I only have to take two. But I have to go to school tomorrow to finish a fashion project. I have school Friday but it's a half day since final exams. I don't have to go to school next Monday or Tuesday yayyyy

Okay. If you are entering Freshmen year in September, I'll give you a bit of advice (yes I know I'm just finishing freshmen year and guess what? idc)

-Your happiness/mental health is more important than your grades. Don't get yourself stressed over school work bc you're amazing and fabulous and you will do okay.

-Grades do NOT determine your intelligence. You can get an F and still be fucking smart.

-If someone you love (like a best friend or boyfriend/girlfriend) hurts you, drop them. Again, your own happiness and mental health is incredibly important, don't risk it for people who treats you like shit.

-Do your best. No one is perfect.

-Love yourself, even if it's the most difficult thing you have to do.

I know this advice applies what you should do everyday, but high school can be where it gets really tough. You get older, friends come and go, you fall in love and get heartbroken... but the person you should trust and keep sane the most is yourself.

I have more advice, but I think that my author's note is already too long sooo


I hope it's good lol

love you xx

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