Chapter XIV

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A/n: comment for a chapter dedication :)


Waking up wrapped in warm blankets, a headache came along. Groaning and trying to unwrap myself from the blankets, I was struggling. Hearing a laugh from across the room I look up to see a tired looking Louis. "Sleep well?" Smirking, Harry could tell Louis was teasing him just a bit. "I mean if you think crashing on pavement is sleeping well then sure." Seeing Louis' smile turn into a frown Harry hoped his answer didn't come off wrong.

"Well good thing I came to your rescue hmm?" Rubbing sleep from his eye's Harry asked if he got sleep at all. "No not really... worried about you Hazza." Playing with his jacket he had on Louis didn't really know what to say. "Then sleep love you really shoul-" "No, I want to know what happened last night please."

"I saw my ex and I almost beat him up." Widening eyes from Louis, what the hell? Louis thought. "Wait why? you don't beat someone completely for no reason I don't get it." watching Louis get up and pace, he was worried. Heart beat picking up in speed Harry almost yelled at Louis until he took a deep breath.

10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. .7. 8. 9. 10.

"No you don't get it he fucked me up." watching Louis stop and stare out the window and sighed. Seeing his shoulders relax by breathing, Harry did the same. "How so?" Not turning around Louis voice was clear like he was right in front of him. "Inside the head he messed me up thinking a relationship is something that it's not, you wouldn't understand Louis."

"Tell me then how did he mess you up?" Talking and turning towards Harry he was crying, shit. "Oh no baby don't cry." Looking down towards the wood floor, Harry hated looking at the past. Walking closer to Harry he took his hands into his and looked each other in the eyes. "Can you tell me? I understand if you don't want too but I just want to know you better love."

"He always had mind games, that's what I call them anyways. Always trying to manipulate me and trying to convince me that abuse in a relationship is okay. Like actual abuse emotionally and physically. Plus the worst part I was only 16." Stopping there Harry took a deep breathe to try and stop crying a bit, and it helped. "My mum knew something was up with me and always watched me because I was always acting different but I didn't know how to tell her. Jack, that's his name,  but he made my life horrible, I just wanted to die. Fuck Louis I had to go to therapy for the longest time, whenever I see him I just want to hurt him back but I know that's not the best way to go, I just I-I hate him so much I wish I never met him."

Rubbing Harry's back, Louis got how much he hated Jack. Louis has been there with past relationships and it's not pleasant. Sitting by Harry he had his head down towards his lap, hands on his face trying not to cry. Getting his head on Harry's lap Louis moved his hands from his face and smiled slightly at Harry. "You know love if he never came into your life you wouldn't be this strong today, and I'm glad he happened because I probably would have never met you."

Trying not to smile at how Louis is being a little cocky Harry couldn't help but let it out. He was right, I am strong and I'm glad that happened and that it's over. Smiling a little to himself Harry looked away hoping Louis wouldn't noticed, he did. Putting his hand on Harry's cheek he faced Louis once again, "I have a really gay pick up line wanna hear it?"

"If you and I were the last men on earth, I bet we could do it in public."

"Trying to tell me something Louis?"

"Hmm no not really unless you want too."

"We might have to put that on our bucket list yeah?" Laughing at each other the definitely have to try sex in public, but it's just seeing when he can get into Louis' pants sooner or later. I'm sure Louis is wondering the same, he was. Well whatever Louis knows about life it sure helped Harry. As Louis got off the couch with Harry he wanted to take him somewhere. All Harry knows now is life gets better, and not to look into the past too much because you won't enjoy life right now.



I'm stressing about school so ya. I had to keep this shorter bc I'm tired ://

I really want to know where do y'all live?

I live in the U.S.

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