Chapter XXVI

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Thanks so much for 7k reads and almost 600 votes damn. 




Comment for a chapter dedication :) 

Song: Take Me Away - Avril Lavigne


"All the pain I thought I knew, all the thoughts lead back to you. Back to what was never said, back to what was never said. Back and forth inside my head. I can't handle this confusion. I'm unable; come and take me away." 


You never know if life is just testing you or if it just wants you pissed off. As of right now Louis was a mixture of sadness and angry. Falling on the ground Harry eventually turned around seeing Louis he made the stranger get out of his house. Confused as ever the guy left not even caring about Louis on the ground crying. When Harry got to where Louis was he flinched trying to touch him. That made Harry frown and he kept his distance. 

"Why?" Louis could only get one word out, his voice was hoarse. He felt like he could pass out any second from crying so much. "Dunno. M'stupid," breathing out of relief Harry thought Louis would be a lot more furious. Crying a bit more Louis hoped he was done because crying will get you no where- only talking seemed like a better option. Then again Louis didn't want to talk. "We're still on break then?" Harry nodded. 

"Promise me not to sleep with anyone or anything else for that matter, please?" Harry was begging Louis yet minutes ago he was sucking a guy off? no. That's fucked up. "I- I don't think I can promise you that." Louis couldn't help but think of last night. "What do you mean?" Harry was scared of asking this- it's like he already knew what Louis was going to say. "I kind of already slept for someone... for like money," neither of them looked at each other. Harry took in a huge breath and let it all out. "Louis you could always ask me to give you some money y'know? No need for all of that." 

Louis knew he could of just asked but he doesn't want it to be a routine. He hated asking for things like money, especially from close friends, or someone you love. But Louis has lived this way most of his life it would be weird if he asked. Besides he believe's Harry would think he's using him for money. "Well this has been awkward I'm just going to go, I need to think for a little." As Louis got up Harry grabbed his hand. "I'm just a text or phone call away Louis, never think you are a burden for me I love to see how you're doing," Harry slightly smiled. Louis smiled back and pecked his cheek. He was still mad from earlier events but whatever. 


Walking on the sidewalk Louis just couldn't stop thinking about Harry. It was all Harry, Harry, Harry. He could never leave his mind no matter if he was awake or not. This seems like a fairy tale or some sort of dream, this can't be real. Pinching himself all that was there was a small red mark on Louis' wrist. Sighing to himself Louis just kept on walking, and watching the kids and strangers engage in playing and talking. 

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