Chapter XI

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Waking up the next morning Louis was generally happy. Getting dressed Harry watched Louis, and he'd try not to notice Harry's stare at his back. Before getting his shirt on over his head Harry said his name, turning around Harry had his phone in his hands. He was taking pictures of Louis, and hurrying to get his shirt over his head he sat down on the bed next to Harry.

"I said I needed picture proof that I'm taking out an angel, angel." Biting his lip Louis didn't know what to say. Harry always makes his heart beat faster and shower him in compliments, it's nice. More than nice, perfect. Harry is perfect especially without even trying, how has he been single for this long? Asking questions in his head Harry watched as Louis fall back on the bed running hands down his face.

"You okay babe?" Taking Louis' hand and kissing it, they were both loss for words. Nodding his head Louis was happy enough for today and that it should stay this way. Smiling Harry was glad he was happy today rather than the last few days that were as gloomy as the sky outside. Moving the covers back and getting out of bed to put his old clothes back on, Louis watched. He insisted he borrow some of his clothes but all Harry did was say it wouldn't fit him because of his small figure that he loved, Louis blushed.

Opening Louis' curtains they both squinted towards the light-ish sky that came through the dirty window. Cussing Harry turned and was surprised by Louis cussing, he shrugged it off. "Aw how cute." Looking at an old picture of Louis and friends Harry started to guess his age at the time. "It's embarrassing my teen years that is."

"Twink looking would bottom so easily." Whispering wasn't at all quiet and Louis threw a pillow towards Harry. When it hit him, his hair was messed up more than it was, Harry couldn't even seen at this point. Harry promised to remember to get a haircut sooner or later. "C'mon get off your arse, I want to show you my house and I'll make you food."

Walking to Harry's house it was a bit far, but Louis would walk to the end's of the earth for Harry. Passing by a few random people from his neighborhood Louis was surprised Harry knew so many people. Joking Louis teased Harry for not having friends, Harry laughed along. Making them breakfast Louis could swear he could own a restaurant himself. "Well don't be surprised but my family does own a restaurant I sometimes work at." Harry promises to take Louis there, even when he's working, to meet his family.

Hugging Harry from behind Louis set his head on Harry's back, asking a question. "Want to hear something straight?" Muttering a sure Harry never laughed so hard at the stupid joke. "Not you." It wasn't original but hey Harry kept laughing until his stomach hurt. Turning around in the hug Louis let go and held Louis' hands with his own. "I wanna live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way."

Squeezing their hands together, Louis thought he would compete with the cheesy pick up lines. So they went at it by Louis saying, "Happiness starts with H and so does your name." Challenged Harry shot back, "If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I'd have a galaxy in my hand." Smiling at each other Louis couldn't think of anymore as he got lost in the staring at each other.

"If I'm correct that's 1,460 stars on just one hand, think you could handle that?" Smirking at Harry, they let go to rub there hands on jeans. Shifting his weight Harry said, "Baby have you looked at me? A pretty face like yours couldn't get away from me." Louis rolled his eyes and turned so his back was facing Harry and smiled to himself.

"Stop flattering yourself Harry it will get you no where." Looking around Harry's kitchen it was as clean as a mum's house could be, squeaky clean. "It will get me to your heart." Putting a few dishes in the sink he heard a gasp followed by a small laugh. "Please enlighten me, how do you think you could get to my heart?" Grinning Harry grabbed Louis' hands and yep Louis felt warmness take over his body as his heart sped up.

Taking Louis up the stairs to a random room out of three, Louis stopped in the doorway taking everything in. There was crumpled up paper's everywhere on the floor and on a desk sitting on the corner. A guitar sitting on a stand, a piano on the other side of the desk, and a few chairs randomly around the room. Pulling out a few folders Harry went through a couple papers and found what he was looking for and set it on the brown desk.

Pulling Louis a chair and grabbing a chair for himself, he stared at Louis eyeing the piano and playing a few keys. "You play?" Moving his hair out of his eye's Louis said a simple yes and showed Harry a few notes from a song. "You should teach me love, this was a present from my mum awhile back and never got to playing it."

As Louis sat down in the chair Harry got out for him, he was waiting for Harry. "I kind of wrote a song about you," grabbing the guitar Louis eye's widened. Sitting down Harry looked over the paper that had notes and lyrics with it. Hoping he doesn't mess up in front of Louis, his stomach was going crazy. "Don't worry I kind of wrote a few like 10 or so?"

Louis never loved Harry more. 



Hey guys so yay Harry is finally showing his songs to Louis, I hoped you like this chapter it's super cute  :)

it's my fav chapter so far! What about you, did you like it?

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