Chapter XXXIV

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So updates have been slow and I have been putting school off and stuff but three days ago - I pushed back school and watching youtube (I'm obsessed okay). But my aunt's boyfriend, who is very close to us, had a major heart attack. He is fine now but today they found out he has Coronary Artery Disease. And its terminal meaning he could die earlier in life. There is no cure for said disease but there is treatments for it to get better. I'm not very close to him but it's sad to sit and hear all of this shit and think he is going to die early-ish in life. Anyways I hope you enjoy the update.... for those who know I do online school and whatever classes I don't finish I put them off for next year. I'm pushing biology back (I'm too lazy to do so much work) so just know I put you guys first, I love you.

I'm not going to do dedications because I just want this update up as soon as I can. Enjoy.


It's never like this. Harry never cries, yet he sits on his couch with tear stains on his shirt. Emotion levels go up and down and never stay at one point. He didn't know what to do with his life at this point. Sitting down on the couch with no noise sounded good to Harry. Licking his lips he wondered what Louis was doing.

Sending Louis a quick text he got on his feet and pushed himself to his room. Where he changed clothes and stumbled getting socks on, he heard Louis' voice in his head. Harry missed him- so damn much. it's only been a few days but his other half has been trying to find a job but hasn't have good luck with it. Harry joked about them moving in together and Louis being a house wife. Louis was close to saying yes, although he didn't say anything.

'Come to Jack's house?'

Why would he be there? What the hell is Jack up to now? Without thinking Harry left the house- wanting to see what they were both up too.

"Louis?" Harry said as he opened the door to Jack's house. Hands covered his mouth- by the size he could tell it was Louis. "Shh he doesn't know I have my phone. He took my phone but I found it, like always." Louis was wearing those jeans that Harry loved. Fuck.

"What are you doing here?" Harry whispered. He kissed Louis' neck once as they hugged. "Jack saw me and invited me inside. I honestly dunno. He took my phone when I went to the toilet. He is such a douche, honestly." Louis used his hands whilst talking.

Harry laughed, "Baby let's agree to stay away from him for now on."

"I'm with you on that please," Louis hugged Harry once more, "Missed you."

"Same here love. Where is the devil - I mean Jack now?" Louis poked his dimples.

"In that room that I hate," Louis shivered. "Will you go back there if I go?" Nodding his head they went. Jack was indeed in the room, and he was with other guys. Harry pulled Louis closer towards him, wrapped his arm around Louis. The lights hitting them were bright and it seemed like the room was getting hotter by the second.

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