Chapter XX

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a/n: comment for a chapter dedication! 






Whenever something or someone comes unexpected back into your life that hurt you, you shouldn't be down. Sometimes life has a way of a wake up call for you or life is trying to tell you something. Then again you should never believe everything life gives you and think it's a good option. You have to chose wisely. Especially if it's between someone you may love. 



"I thought I told you to leave me the fuck alone, why aren't you doing so?" Clenching his jaw Harry was agitated. Someone who hurt him to the extreme was standing in front of him and he was smirking his ass off. Shrugging his shoulders if only Harry knew Jack was just here to make him think about this new life with his new boyfriend. 

"Just thought I see if you knew the real truth about a certain someone," Looking around for the said person whilst crossing his arms over his chest, Harry wished Louis wouldn't take so long to get back. Harry never knew when to trust Jack and never knew when he lied. Their relationship was something you couldn't even think of. It was exactly manipulation at it's finest, Harry never knew what to do. The days just dragged on and on until either of the two start yelling. 

"What the fuck do you mean the truth? You know nothing stop wasting my time Jack," getting more quiet towards the end of the sentence Harry pushed Jack lightly. Moving back a few steps he just rolled his eye's, "You know about your new boyfriend," Harry suddenly stopped and looked down. "First off he's not my boyfriend yet and-" 

"Oh c'mon you haven't heard the shit on him? You're so fucking clueless sometimes," Tired from everything Jack turned and walked away as Harry stood with his thoughts. Before even thinking Harry set his stuff on a shelf and ran after Jack. Getting outside he saw him smoking and talking to some girl he whispered something to her. As she walked away Harry walked up to him, "Tell me again what shit have you heard supposedly?" 

Laughing a bit and taking the cancer stick out of his mouth to blow smoke into the air Harry coughed. "Well if you haven't been hanging out with your old friends you should know they talk shit about you and your pretty little boyfriend." 

"You don't ever fucking touch him or call him pretty, I don't even want you near him! Besides my friends can go fuck off for all I care. All they do is cause trouble and get arrested almost every week because of all the shitty people they surround themselves with," Shaking his head Harry looked towards the parking lot. "I won't touch your Louis anyways he sleeps around and I thought you knew better." 

"What do you mean he sleeps around? I know him better than you!" 

"Just be careful Harry you don't know what your up against." 

"What does this even mean? I don't get it!" 

"It means that you, Harry Styles, is up against the whore of a guy named Louis who has used tons of illegal drugs, sleeps with random guys for money behind your back, who robs people of there money and you are so oblivious to this!" Throwing his cigarette to the ground and rubbing the tip of his shoe over it to put it out and waited for Harry to answer. 

"I- Lo- Louis isn't like that he would never," pulling at his hair he knew he got under Harry's skin, but should Harry believe a guy like him? "Oh but he did Harry, he's out to get you just watch out." It wasn't rainbows and lollipops anymore, just real life problems and Harry has to face them head on. "But you heard people say this - it's just rumors!" Standing his ground Harry knew better than to think he is telling the truth. 

"It's been going around for awhile and when a rumor doesn't go away it has to be real. I mean have you ever asked Louis about his past? Or did you tell him only yours?" Fuck how did he know all of this? The only part Louis talked about with his past is him having depression, but other than that there is nothing else. And for living on this planet for a well over 20 years Harry knows life is not easy, but why is this just hitting him now? 

"Wake up call much?" laughing out loud and starting to walk away from Harry Jack got something out of his jeans pocket and threw it to Harry. Seeing something slowly fall to the ground the white back gave it away as a picture. Slowly walking over to the picture on the ground and ignoring beeping horns from cars, Harry sat down on the ground. Slowly turning the picture over it was a picture of Louis laying down on a messy bed, almost naked. It didn't look old yet the place seemed familiar like Harry dreamed about it or something. Louis was surrounded by tons of other guys, money sprawled everywhere on the floor to the bed, and seeing bags of what seemed like tons of drugs on the floor, like they are trying to hide under the bed. The worst of all it looked like a recent picture, Harry was sure of it. He didn't know who to believe now, the world is crushing him down and he cannot get back up. 



Shortest chapters are usually the most important ones! 

Hope you liked and hope you like the new drama :)

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