Chapter XIX

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A/n: comment for a chapter dedication :) 


@spectrumpenguin (by the way check out her story it's so amazing and deserves more reads/votes!) 



Warning: Mentions of suicide/self-harm. 


It's better to let it all out instead of bottling stuff inside of yourself. Your mind will become clustered and all over the place. It's better to let go of it all. When you do let it out you will feel so much better. Plus pushing away people and your problems will just make them worse, solve them. Solve them so they are out of the way. You'll feel much better. 


"My sister committed suicide when she was 17 and I was 15 at the time. I never knew she was going through so much until I read her letter for me." Louis knew how it felt to loose someone close to him, it's not the best thing in the world to go through. Squeezing Harry's hand he continued. "Gemma was her name, but she was dating this guy and they looked like they loved each other so I didn't really see a problem until I read her letter." Wiping his eye's Harry knew Louis was there for him and Louis held him closer. "Sh- she said the relationship was absolute bullshit. He fucking abused her. He put her down and he told her she is worth nothing, nothing Louis and it made me cry so hard." Letting out a sob Harry looked at Louis and saw him crying. "I mean I could of saw but I didn't, she didn't say anything she didn't do anything fuck Louis don't cry."

Wiping Louis' tears away Harry felt bad. "Making you cry make's me feel shitty babe." Louis smiled a bit. "Love I'm fine it's just a hard topic with me go on," Harry nodded. "Well around almost of a year of them dating I saw her getting sadder and sadder. Her smile was never there and I always tried to get her to laugh by telling her stupid jokes. She would laugh but the smile would go away and I made a promise to myself to get her to smile again. As soon as I thought she was getting better I walked in on her self - harming herself. She burned herself always saying it was an accident but this time it was no accident. Mum eventually got done of her lying so she knew something was up. Took her to the doctor and the results came back to Bipolar Disorder. She took the pills but one day I noticed she stopped, which is not good. I found her in her room dead with a sleeping pill bottle next to her and I wish I could have not seen that." 

"Aw love I'm so sorry you had to go through that," Kissing Harry's head many times Louis felt bad because he never had to go through any of that. "But when I was younger I had depression and I know how your sister felt and it's not the best." They smiled at each other wishing they could lay her forever and just talk but that wasn't the case. The world is a place you should explore and Louis knew that. Harry knew to stay strong and not to think much about the past, so he kept it together. 

"Aside from that I wish I knew her Harry, really. Tell me did she look like you? Just as beautiful as you are?" Chuckling a bit, Harry nodded and sat up with Louis by his side. "Let's get up and get something to eat, yeah?" Getting out of bed, Louis had to pull Harry up due to him being lazy. They laughed as Louis couldn't pull Harry up at all. "Aw c'mon just get up I tried!" Still laughing Harry's stomach hurt, he found that so funny. 

When Harry did eventually get up they both were walking down the stairs and they stopped 'cause they heard something fall on the ground. Putting his arm out in front to stop Harry, Louis put his back towards the wall in a ninja like way. Giggling Harry covered his mouth and doing the same as Louis did. Moving slowly Harry new this was so kid like but it was Louis and anything Louis does is incredible. Stopping to drop and do a somersault Louis went sideways and hit the wall. 

Bursting out laughing Louis felt like a dumb-ass. "Damn Louis are you okay?" Kneeling down to help Louis get up, they laughed together once again. It seems like they keep doing the same things over again. "Yeah yeah I'm fine but I feel stupid." Rubbing the back of his head - it hurt. "Look's like you saved me from a book Lou." Walking towards the book shelf Harry picked up the book and put it back in place. "You think it's Gemma? She is probably wanting to say hi," Stopping his movement's and saying a quiet 'Hi' hoping it actually was Gemma. 

Walking over to Harry, Louis kissed him sweetly. Wrapping his arms around Louis, Harry hoped Gemma liked Louis. Going along they made it into the kitchen to make dinner together. Louis actually didn't help Harry because he didn't want to burn his house down. After dinner and washing the dishes together they snuggled up under a blanket and fell asleep watching Spring Breakers. 


The next day Harry had to go grocery shopping and of course Louis tagged along. Harry didn't complain and Louis never talked about how he hates grocery shopping. As long as they are together nothing could keep them apart. "Is it hot in here, or is it just you?" Fanning his face Harry rolled his eye's at the pick up line. Not saying one back Harry grabbed a box of something while looking at Louis. As he turned away Louis knew he had to try a new one. "My mum taught me to be a good boy. But today, I feel naughty." That's when Harry stopped and bit his lip. Don't think those thoughts. Don't think those thoughts. 

Walking along Louis kept trying, he wasn't giving up. "So, what does it feel like to look so good?" Turning around to bring him closer Harry whispered, "I will never tell." Making Louis shiver Harry had to get back at Louis by kissing that one spot behind his ear. It made Louis jump a bit and a squeak came out, everyone turned around as Louis covered his mouth. Pushing Harry away from him he laughed at Louis. "Sorry babe how about you find us some snack's for when we go home yeah? I'll wait right here." 

As soon as Louis left Harry decided to go to the next aisle and turning he bumped into someone. Of course being his clumsy self he dropped a few things. Picking them up and going to apologize Harry stopped and walked passed the guy. Yet he grabbed Harry's arm's and brought him back to look at him. "Oh c'mon Harry don't be so cold." Looking up towards the building's ceiling Harry wished he could disappear at this second. Putting on an annoyed smile Harry looked towards his ex, Jack, who was standing right in front of him. 



I will say I listen to music when writing and a High School Musical song came on and I took a 5 minute break to just dance. I'm so lame lol

But I hope you like this chapter tell me if it was good or not :)        

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