Chapter XXI

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a/n: Comment for a chapter dedication

Song: My Happy Ending - Avril Lavigne






Life may come easy at first but it's all a lie. When was the last time you heard the truth? Lies just come and go and always haunt you, even if they aren't true. Then again who is telling the truth? Absolutely no one. Life has funny ways and usually in the end you don't get your perfect ending. Unless you do? 


Covering his mouth with his hand Harry felt fooled. Fooled by the one and only Louis Tomlinson, and Harry is so speechless. Life is not just so happy anymore this utopia of a place doesn't exist. It's crushed into millions of pieces just like his heart - it's no longer there. The question is would Louis ever do this type of thing? Is he really who he says he is or is it just a disguise? 

Beeping from other cars Harry got off his bum once he heard shouting from cars. "Will you fucking stop sitting on the street like an idiot mate?" Wiping his pants from dirt, Harry just rolled his eye's and flipped them off. They sped off and Harry just watched, as if the world slowed down. Maybe this is Harry's time to think, to believe, his Louis actually did this. 

Gripping the picture tightly in his hand Harry was lost. The person he talked to for four years have been telling lies, the person he kissed, the person who he deeply cares about betrayed him. Feeling like a little kid, lost, Harry didn't know what he was going to do. Moving his feet inside the building he went to one place in the store he knew would only help him for the time being. 

Looking at the alcohol Harry didn't know what to pick, the strongest probably? Grabbing whatever he could he turned to find Louis. "Oh look who decided to come and talk about your real life," trying to look anywhere but Louis, Harry couldn't only 'cause he's so damn beautiful. "Harry what do you mean? Also why do you have to much alcohol? Babe let's not." Taking the drink's from his hands and putting them back Harry didn't know what to say. 

"Louis I don't want to fight or anything but fucking hell, why do you keep secrets from me? I thought we were closer than that." Bringing his finger to his mouth Harry lightly bit his finger, something he always did when he's between two things, but what could those be? "Haz I don't know what you're talking about love?" Louis was bewildered, he was wondering what exactly was going through Harry's mind at the moment. 

"Why did you lie? Were you just with me for a fucking "fun time" or just to rob me?" Realization dawned on Louis, fuck why did this suddenly happen now? Where is Harry getting this information? Throwing the picture at Louis' chest it fell to the floor, slowly. "This fucking bullshit you hide from me eh? What else do you do to get money?" Getting closer and closer to Louis' face trying to intimidate him, it didn't work very well. Without looking down at the picture Louis knew what it was, and why did it seem like his past is always haunting him? 

Putting his small hands on Harry's cheeks to hold him Louis uttered, "H- Harry just know I didn't want y- you to know or to think I'm a horrible person. It's my fucking past Harry and it always gets me in trouble with someone I seriously care about and it fucks up my relationship with them and it make's me depressed." Letting go of Harry, Louis felt like he should lock himself up like he did when he was younger. He isolated himself from everyone and never opened up to anyone not even his family. 

Harry didn't know what to feel. Louis made him feel like he was cared for unlike his relationships in the past & he made Harry want to kiss him all the time no matter what happened between the two. Then again Louis make's Harry want to rip his hair out, but isn't that what love is about? Two people that come together and no matter what happens in the past, present, or future, they stick together no matter what. Hopefully Louis felt the same way because if he didn't Harry wouldn't know what to do with him. 

Letting tears fall from his eyes Louis didn't know what else to do. Harry hated seeing people cry especially someone he cares about, so wrapping his arms around Louis he gave him a hug. "Hey now let's get out of here to somewhere better to talk about all this yeah?" Picking up the picture he gave it to Louis. Buying something before they left they were off back to Harry's house once again. Where Louis burned the picture hoping and wishing the past would stop coming back to bite him in the ass, but only time will tell right? 



Hello I hope you like this chapter, next one will be longer though :)

have a nice day .x 

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