Chapter XXIX

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(And what the hell 9k reads and over 700 votes? I'm speachless!!)


As Louis laid on Harry's bed it was quiet until he heard the guitar playing down the hallway. Rubbing his eye's from sleeping - Louis was still very tired. Trying to get up he winced. Maybe he slept wrong? He didn't try to get up again, he was fine here. Then he heard Harry's lovely voice come down the hall, Louis wished he would of looked through the lyrics of his songs to know if he is singing one now.

They came upstairs to sleep for a little and before Louis fell asleep he felt Harry get up. He kissed Louis neck and said he'll be back, and he did come back. But after they both fell asleep Harry must of woken up and went to his music room.

Picking up Louis as his legs wrapped around Harry's waist they both smiled. Taking Louis upstairs to his room, they both wanted a nap. "No more break?" He spoke into Harry's ear and then kissed down his neck. Louis was always a tease - Harry loved it.

"Fuck no, I'm good like this baby," still walking they were close to Harry room as Louis let go. "When you call me that, damn. I cannot get enough," Louis grasped Harry's shirt and started unbuttoning it. "Baby," Louis could have fallen on the ground if Harry wasn't holding onto his hips. Louis was biting his lip as he threw Harry's shirt elsewhere and Harry took his shirt off as well.

Pulling Louis' hand towards his room they laughed as Louis stumbled over his feet. "Baby don't fall," Louis blushed at the comment. "Sorry I just..." looking down at his feet Harry took a few steps closer to grab his hands.

Kissing him again Harry backed Louis up until the fell on the bed. Laughing during the kiss they broke apart after one more kiss. "Sleep love." Harry moved Louis so he was laying on to of him, and Louis fell asleep while Harry left him to sleep.

Finally getting up Louis shivered from the cold air hitting his skin. Moving to Harry's dresser Louis looked at a picture in a brown frame, it looks like Harry a few years ago with a girl, was it his sister? Tossing the thought away Louis walked out the door to see the clock in the hallway. It was just about to hit three am, so what is Harry doing up?

Pushing the door open he saw Harry, with his back faced towards Louis, and a guitar in hand. Wrapping his arms around Harry's shoulders he spoke Louis' name but he didn't stop. He kept repeating his name, over, over, & over again. "Harry?"

Turning around it wasn't Harry at all - it was Jack. He grabbed Louis' shirt and tried to push him closer. Louis pushed back with more force and he fell. He fell and hit his head on the wall witch gave Louis a huge headache.

"Louis get the fuck up! Louis?!" Opening his eye's Louis didn't know what just happened. "Jack? What?" Rubbing his temple Louis was exhausted.  "You passed out, how are you feeling?" Jack pulled Louis up onto his feet. "I'm okay...I had a crazy dream though," taking the pills that Jack gave him, he felt dizzy again. "You were passed out for half an hour though."

Louis fell down on Jack's couch and started breathing heavy. He knew Jack didn't give him the wrong pills because he saw the bottle, but why was he out of breath? Coughing loudly Louis tasted blood. He closed his eye's. The room was spinning and Louis couldn't take this pressure, something was pushing on his chest.


A/n: Sorry for the short chapter school is kicking my butt :(

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