Chapter XV

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Dedications go to:

HarryhisBanana, IdMarryYouLarry, 1D_Forever456, & fireproofziam.

So as always comment for a chapter dedication :)


Walking along a dirt pathway Louis was dragging Harry behind him. Holding on to his hand Louis would never let go of something so important to him. They never spoke one word to each other just enjoying the sun for once in the U.K. This walk seemed to go on forever, maybe it was just them. Walking into the woods Harry, with of course not looking, tripped on something from the ground. Laughing at him Louis couldn't help himself.

"Bambi legs I swear." Putting his hands on his stomach and bending over Louis couldn't help but keep laughing. Harry swore Louis' laugh made him laugh as well, because for one the bambi legs thing is true. Still walking along this trail that you could barley see on the ground eventually Louis told Harry to watch out for a branch but it hit Harry in the face.

"I swear you're going to end up with at least 50 bruises on this one trip." Louis had a hand trying to not to laugh, it worked as well. Harry let the thought go when they got to this rusty gate that was closed. Pushing the gate open Harry followed Louis down two steps and walking along this pavement path. It was a grassy area, plus it had flowers everywhere.

"I found this place in high school, got mad at my mum and ran to the forest and stumbled upon this place." It was sure pretty Harry thought. "Hey I bet you can't beat me to the end of the pathway? Go now!" Louis started running and Harry ran behind him. Not catching up Harry still bumped into Louis when he stopped to stare.

A little girl was playing in the grass next to the rusty and old swing set. Louis pointed to her, "She wasn't here last time but she sure is cute." The little girl looked about 7 wearing a dress with a huge bow in her hair. Not wanting to disturb her they both held hands and sat at the top of the hill watching her play till they started to actually talk.

"Y'know I brought a girl here once, what a shitty idea because my friends set me up with her yet they knew I was gay."

"How did that work out for you hmm?" Picking at the grass and finding a dandelion and looking at it Harry seemed mesmerized.

"Well I decided to give her chance her name was Tara and everyone of my friends found her sweet so I thought why not? When we got here she seem to not mind the place since it was still a little light out and there is a bench down the hill. So she didn't even talk, it was the most awkward thing ever. I brought food but she didn't want to eat, I was like but it's a date usually food in involved? But I shrugged it off. When she did finally talk all she could talk about was the future, like a future for us. One thing let to another and she tried to get in my pants but I told her I liked it up the ass and you should have seen her face." Stopping to laugh along with Harry thinking about how her faced looked, "She was beyond pissed and she hasn't talked and I haven't seen her since."

"That has got to be the worst date ever, oh god."

"Well that's the first few dates I have been on that went horribly wrong." Harry grabbed Louis' hand and smiled at him. The small dandelion on Harry's pants it never moved. The world seriously revolved on the two enjoying the company of themself's was all they needed. Hearing a small cough from down the hill, the little girl stood there and walked up the hill.

Letting go of Louis' hand, Harry wanted to know what she wanted. As the girl approached them she tilted her head to the side. Looking at each other Harry or Louis didn't know what to say, Louis turned away from looking at his other half and smiled slightly looking at the ground. The little girl watched as if these boys were a film she was watching on tv.

"Does he like you?" Pointing to Louis she questioned Harry. The girl looked at Harry as he said a quiet 'yes' and the little girl smiled showing off her teeth a bit. "That's cute. My daddy says liking the same gender is wrong but I have no clue why." Smiling fading a bit she looked towards the ground kicking a small rock hidden in the grass.

"I guess it just depends on the person love." the girl nodded her head trying to understand just a bit of what Harry was saying. Louis sat and just admired how Harry was with kids, it was the cutest thing ever. "It's a choice to choose to be against it or not." Taking the small dandelion and placing it in her blonde hair. It stood out from the sun and the small girl brought her hand up to feel the dandelion.

Hugging Harry it took him by surprise holding the little girl in his arms, Harry looked like he would protect her under any circumstances. "I want to be like you guys, I can tell he loves you." Trying to hind the blush with his hands Louis couldn't help it. Did his love for Harry really show that well?

Hearing a call for Kat the girl came out of Harry's arms running down the hill and waving as she got to the bottom. Waving back Harry saw Louis turned the other way looking into the distance. "Aw boo come here." Pulling him on Harry's lap Louis didn't want to look at Harry. Kissing his cheek and down his neck Louis whined a bit.

"She was cute and you are in love with me just admit it." Seeing Louis smile he nodded his head like a small child. "Hey let's get out of here and tomorrow I will take you on that date okay? I promise it will not be a shitty one." Walking out of the place Louis and Harry only hoped they would see that little girl again. Louis also kept asking where they are going and Harry kept it quiet, not saying one word.


A/n: I love this chapter, thoughts?

anyways I hope you guys are doing well and are you going to any concerts this year?

I'm going to a 5 Seconds of Summer Concert in Chicago with my older sister :)

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